Ret. Woburn Chief Emotionally Speaks Out About “Protests” at Candle Light Vigil Honoring Slain Woburn Officer Jack Maguire

“Many times our lives have been threatened by people like those today that are marching. And they shouldn’t. They should be thanking us and thanking Jack who gave his life for this community.”  Ret. Woburn Chief Phil Mahoney

By: Tom Duggan, December 26, 2014

magure2014eJustessEmotions still run deep in the City of Woburn, Massachusetts four years after the murder of Woburn Police Officer Jack Maguire, who was shot and killed by a Deval Patrick parolee who had robbed the Kohl’s jewelry counter only a few day’s after his release. 

MaGuire responded to the call and began chasing Dominic Cinelli through the snow before the parolee turned and shot Maguire. With three bullets lodged in his body, Maguire managed to return fire and kill his would-be murderer. 

magure2014fFriends, family members, fellow police officers, and members of the community gathered Friday night for a candle light vigil to remember the sacrifice of Officer Maguire as members of the Woburn Police did a silent drive-by through the parking lot of the Woburn Post Office, now called the John J. MaGuire Post Office across the street from the Kohl’s parking lot where MaGuire took his last breath. 

Officer MaGuire’s widow Desiree, his brother Chuck and dozens of family members hugged and thanked people as they remembered the heroic sacrifice of Officer MaGuire’s last shift. 

Slain Officer Jack MaGuire’s Brother Chuck

Officer MaGuire’s brother Chuck thanked the crowd and was sure to mention the recent spate of attacks on police. “I want to thank you all for being here, especially with all the turmoil going on in our society people don’t respect police officers and I think we respect each other. We respect each other…” he said holding back emotion. 

Overcome with emotion, Retired Woburn Police Chief Phillip Mahoney spoke about his officer and friend.  “Four years ago Jack died right there,” he said pointing to the spot at the edge of the Kohl’s parking lot, tears running down his face. “It was hard on all of us, all of the officers who were here that night … it was terrible … when I got to Lahey (clinic) I was met by Chuck … Chuck told me Jack had died.”

Ret. Woburn Police Chief Mahoney was not only Officer MaGuire’s chief he was also his friend.

Speaking through the pain Chief Maloney said that notifying Maguire’s wife Desire “was the hardest thing we ever did, she passed out right there. ” Maloney said that Desire had to then go home and tell their kids what had happened. “It was just a terrible time. But everybody came together. And look,” he said panning the crowd, “we still are. I can’t thank you, and tell you how much it means four years later that so many are here and don’t forget.” 

Mahoney also expressed his frustration and pain over the recent pro-criminal protests and attacks on police by those who hate what they represent. 

“Chuck, going back to what you said about what is going on in our world today, I just have to say that the police have been through this before. Many times our lives have been threatened by people like those today that are marching. And they shouldn’t. They should be thanking us and thanking Jack who gave his life for this community.” 

Mourners remained for more than an hour after the brief ceremony, reminiscing about their experiences with Officer MaGuire and how much he had impacted the community. 


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