By: Christine Morabito, President of the Gr. Boston Tea Party We have seen our worst enemies, and they are among us. The Tea Party will not survive without a thorough self-examination. No need to re-brand, change our name or repackage our message. The solution is simple – we must return to our roots. As […]
By: Paul Murano – April 2013 At the moment of this writing the Supreme Court is deliberating two cases related to so-called “same-sex marriage”. If the justices have any sense they will state in a clear voice that marriage has nothing to do with equality or rights, but is an outgrowth of human nature […]
By: Paul Murano – March 2013 This past month saw two stories in the news that speak volumes beyond their headlines. Not surprisingly they were about sex and death respectively, and they focused on two women, one young and one elderly. Their names were Melissa King and Lorraine Bayless. One gave up her title as […]
By: Deb Papalia – February 2013 On January 25, my husband and I traveled by bus to Washington DC to march in the bitter cold to remember the 55 million unborn babies who have died in the last 40 years because of the infamous court ruling of Roe v. Wade that legalized […]
Warren Appears at Mann Orchards in Methuen [youtube] By: Tom Duggan – October 23, 2012 PHOTO GALLERY OF EVENT Methuen Elected officials and dignitaries from across the Valley held a press conference today at Mann Orchards in Methuen to endorse Harvard University Professor, Elizabeth Warren, candidate for United State Senate. Warren was endorsed […]
By: Paul Murano – June, 2012 People feel most offended when they know deep in their heart something is true. Consider this point as you read this column. In the heat of a political year when Democrats concoct a war on women and Republicans deny it, we ask the question: Is there a war […]
Morality Matters! By: Paul Murano Whoever wins the battle of language inevitably wins the war. This principle is nowhere truer than in culture wars, where false philosophies depend on manipulation of the language to convert the uncritical masses to a particular worldview. We are now at the end of our second generation that is conditioned […]
By: Paul Murano – April, 2012 Victoria Reggie Kennedy, wife of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, was slated to be the 2012 commencement speaker at Anna Maria College in Paxton, a Catholic college in the Diocese of Worcester. Her invitation was rescinded by the college last week when the bishop got wind of it. In […]
By: Paul Murano – November, 2011 No one seems to notice the relationship between two converging occurrences in the news recently. Person number seven billion has joined us on this spinning and rotating rock we call earth, on Halloween day according to demographic analysts. Welcome to the human race number 7 billion! In the […]
By: Paul Murano – December, 2010 As the secular media falls over itself in a frenzy spinning a leaked passage from a new book that interviews Pope Benedict XVI, we ask the question: Has the Pope changed Church doctrine on the matter of contraception? Three questions first need to be asked: What did the Pope […]
By: Paul Murano – August, 2010 When I moved back home from Tampa in the early 1990’s I gathered together a young adult group from St. Margaret’s in Burlington to share an idea. A crisis pregnancy center was needed in the area. To make a long story short everything fell into place, and from […]
By: Paul Murano – Jun, 2010 Last month marked one of the darkest days in human history. Most people will not recognize it as such, for it has very quickly become part of the fabric of society. That day was May 9, 1960, the 50th birthday of “the pill”. The first irony here is […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL June, 2009 This past Sunday, a gunman fired one shot and killed famed abortionist George Tiller while he attended “church” services in Wichita, Kansas. Tiller is famous because he is one of very few abortionists who, for a handsome fee, will end the life of viable fetuses, sometimes in the 9th month. In most cases these […]
By: Paul Murano – February, 2007 The 34th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 22nd, gathering tens of thousands from around the country, remained under the radar. The mainstream media, once again, refused to cover it. Why? The journalistic arm of the cultural left sees abortion as the necessary back-up for […]
Paul Murano – June, 2005 Let’s face it, next to Red Sox baseball, politics is the preferred sport of many in this area. But if you think about it, a baseball season and a campaign season have many parallels. They both start their spring training in February, one in Florida and the other in […]