By: Paul Murano – December, 2010 As the secular media falls over itself in a frenzy spinning a leaked passage from a new book that interviews Pope Benedict XVI, we ask the question: Has the Pope changed Church doctrine on the matter of contraception? Three questions first need to be asked: What did the Pope […]
By: Paul Murano – November, 2010 Okay, so Republicans have picked up major gains in this midterm election. Is this something conservatives should celebrate? Does it mean the country is turning right? Not at all. It is a pattern that has been happening for decades. There are basically two reasons people win major elections […]
By: Paul Murano – October, 2010 I went to a debate the other night between Humanists and Christians sponsored by the Chesterton Society of Worcester on the question of which offers the greater hope for humanity. I was impressed by the good will displayed between both groups, but it wasn’t too long before I […]
By: Paul Murano – September, 2010 Why people think the way they do is fascinating. Who would have thought the issue of an Islamic cultural center being built near ground zero would have so neatly divided people by ideologically lines? And who would have guessed that the left would be for it and the […]
By: Paul Murano – August, 2010 When I moved back home from Tampa in the early 1990’s I gathered together a young adult group from St. Margaret’s in Burlington to share an idea. A crisis pregnancy center was needed in the area. To make a long story short everything fell into place, and from […]
By: Paul Murano The terms capital punishment and decapitate come from the same Latin word for regarding the head. Although the death penalty was often the removal of one’s head, there have been other ways of administering it throughout history. Socrates was poisoned, Stephen was stoned, and Jesus was crucified; representing the Greek, Jewish and […]
By: Paul Murano – Jun, 2010 Last month marked one of the darkest days in human history. Most people will not recognize it as such, for it has very quickly become part of the fabric of society. That day was May 9, 1960, the 50th birthday of “the pill”. The first irony here is […]
By: Paul Murano – May, 2010 My Fellow Talking Animals . . . I am increasingly confronted with signs that remind me we have crossed the Rubicon, the threshold of sanity, and our only collective hope is a deep conversion of mind and heart. Every semester I take an informal poll in my college […]
By: Paul Murano – April, 2010 …When exactly did the era of the store clerk asking if we want a bag begin? …Don’t we have enough choices in life without having to decide bag or no bag? …Will someone please settle whether tipping should be 15 or 20 percent? …If the new health care […]
By: Paul Murano – March, 2010 There have been two opposite reactions in the aftermath of Tiger Woods’ public apology, and each is an inappropriate extreme. One illustrates the fatal flaw of capitalism, the other of secularism. The first was the media blitz we were inundated with for a week, with everyone and his […]
By: Paul Murano – February, 2007 The 34th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 22nd, gathering tens of thousands from around the country, remained under the radar. The mainstream media, once again, refused to cover it. Why? The journalistic arm of the cultural left sees abortion as the necessary back-up for […]
Paul Murano – June, 2005 Let’s face it, next to Red Sox baseball, politics is the preferred sport of many in this area. But if you think about it, a baseball season and a campaign season have many parallels. They both start their spring training in February, one in Florida and the other in […]
By: Dr. Chuck Ormsby – September, 2004 Few topics are as emotionally laden as the issue of abortion. Such emotion often spills over to discussions (typically yelling matches) of the embryonic stem cell issue. Politicians see this as fertile territory for demagoguery and they attempt to take full advantage of the opportunity. It is […]
By: Paul Murano – September, 2004 “What if we have a president who believes in science, so we can unleash the wonders of discovery like stem cell research to treat illness and save millions of lives?” This was John Kerry’s provoking question near the end of his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. […]