Let the Market Dictate Insurance Rates

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   March, 2004  Mayor Sullivan wants the legislature to modify the formula for auto insurance rates. The solution lies not in tinkering with government regulations, but in eliminating them.  Massachusetts’ legislators have been trying to engineer our auto insurance system for decades and they just can’t seem it get it right. But […]

Lawrence Attorney, Anthony DiFrucia Accused of False Advertisement

  Originally Published 01/22/01 on tommyduggan.com and Rumbo newspaper Lawrence Lawyer and Windham, New Hampshire State Representative, Anthony R. DiFruscia, took out an ad profiling his law firm in the Andover Townsman. The advertisement listed the names and expertise of three lawyers, Paula Porten, Michelle Barret, and Dolores Campbell as his employees. Attorneys often tote […]

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