How to Debunk a Socialist with a Few Easy Questions … Or … What I learned at Bread and Roses

How to Debunk a Socialist with a Few Easy Questions … Or … What I learned at Bread and Roses

Originally published on, 09/09/03 Socialists, Communists, Marxists and other liberty hating ideologues were out in full force at Lawrence’s Bread and Roses festival again this year. It is a festival rooted in celebrating the formation of unions in Lawrence and is usually hijacked by political groups with very unrealistic ideas. This is a real […]

Council to Hear from Public on Voter ID

Council to Hear from Public on Voter ID

  By: Tom Duggan (originally published on 05/19/03) The Lawrence City Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday night on a proposal to require all Lawrence residents to show photo identification before they vote … just as Lawrence residents who are Dominican citizens must show n ID when they vote in Lawrence for the […]

Slight of Hand With Taxpayer’s Property: Exactly Where Are Those City Computers Going?

PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN Originally published on (3-3-02)      Before there was a Valley Patriot (established in 2004) there was, a blog before there were blogs, a news webpage before there were news webpages. Long before there was an Eagle Tribune web page or a there was a Valley Patriot […]

Lawrence Attorney, Anthony DiFrucia Accused of False Advertisement

  Originally Published 01/22/01 on and Rumbo newspaper Lawrence Lawyer and Windham, New Hampshire State Representative, Anthony R. DiFruscia, took out an ad profiling his law firm in the Andover Townsman. The advertisement listed the names and expertise of three lawyers, Paula Porten, Michelle Barret, and Dolores Campbell as his employees. Attorneys often tote […]

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