OPINION: EYE ON DRACUT ~ Honoring Ann Vandal’s Lasting Impact in Dracut

Congratulations are in order at Dracut Town Hall. After a 40-year career in municipal finance and government, Dracut Town Manager Ann Vandal is retiring this month. It’s the perfect time to reflect on the remarkable impact she’s made in Dracut over the years, her exceptional municipal finance skills, and her exemplary tenure as town manager.

Vandal’s retirement is noteworthy: It marks the end of an era defined by financial acumen, unwavering integrity, and a commendable ability to navigate through unwarranted criticism. Her departure leaves Dracut with a legacy that will be felt for years to come, showcasing her commitment to progress, transparency, and resilience.

As town manager for the last four years, Vandal has been through a lot and has gotten a lot done – and the town and the people of Dracut are a lot better off because of her leadership.

Before she was hired as town manager, Vandal had served in various roles at Dracut Town Hall for more than 15 years, including town accountant, finance director, and assistant town manager. She’d also served as interim town manager twice previously, before being hired permanently by selectmen.

When Vandal took over the top job at town hall in 2020, she did so in a tough environment. She was hired by a divided board, after the previous town manager was shown the door and politics had polluted the search process for a new manager. She inherited and cleaned up a town procurement scandal. She was forced to deal with all the ramifications of the pandemic on town operations, employees, and citizens.

Despite the circumstances and a multitude of challenges, Vandal helped put the town in better shape than it has been in quite some time. Town finances are just one example. From the outset, Vandal was faced with the formidable task of managing a town with intricate financial needs and a complex budgetary landscape.

She was up for the challenge. Vandal’s knowledge, skills, and experience when it comes to municipal finance helped ensure that every dollar was spent wisely and every investment was made with long-term benefits in mind. Under her stewardship, Dracut saw enhanced fiscal stability, the completion of many infrastructure projects, and a strong cash reserve fund to help safeguard against future economic uncertainties.

Vandal’s approach was grounded in a clear vision that balanced immediate needs with future sustainability.

It wasn’t just her valuable financial expertise that benefited Dracut, it was Vandal’s honesty and integrity that set her apart. In a job that often requires making tough decisions and dealing with contentious issues, Vandal remained completely transparent.

Her openness about recent financial challenges, her candid discussions about budgetary constraints, and her willingness to address concerns head-on were hallmarks of her leadership. This commitment to integrity earned Vandal the respect and trust of many, even as she faced criticism from those who misunderstood or disagreed with her decisions.

Make no mistake about it: Ann Vandal navigated a tidal wave of unwarranted criticism from a few negative voices in our community who make a lot of noise—and she did so with grace, fortitude, and restraint. Vandal’s critics, driven by personal grievances, failed to recognize that every choice she made was done so with a commitment to the town’s overall welfare and stability.

Handling criticism with grace, Vandal remained steadfast in her duties. She addressed concerns with transparency, engaging with critics, and providing clear explanations of her decisions. Her ability to stay focused on her goals, despite the negativity, is a testament to her professionalism and resilience.

Vandal understood that leadership sometimes means making tough choices that are not always popular but are necessary for the greater good. Rather than being deterred by negativity, she stayed focused and kept the town’s best interests at the forefront. Vandal’s strength of character was integral in maintaining the town’s trust and ensuring that her leadership was defined by substance rather than distractions.

Vandal’s unwavering dedication to her job and our community is a reminder that effective leadership often involves navigating through adversity while remaining true to one’s principles. Her legacy is not just in the numbers—though they certainly tell a story of fiscal responsibility—but also in the way she handled challenges with integrity and perseverance.

As we prepare to bid Vandal farewell to enjoy her retirement, let us extend our heartfelt thanks for her years of service and celebrate her many significant contributions that will be remembered and appreciated for years to come. We owe her a debt of gratitude for her dedication, honesty, and resilience.

Thank you, Ann, for everything. Thank you for your dedicated leadership. Thank you for your spirit of community. Thank you for making a positive and lasting impact on Dracut.

–Brian Genest is the producer and host of Eye On Dracut, winner of the Hometown Media Award for News, sponsored by Lucky Oil. ◊