OPINION: Is this Kamalot?


By Ted Xenakis – 8-24

For those old enough to remember, the White House of John and Jackie Kennedy was likened to Camelot, that mythical castle and court associated with King Arthur. It was a time of new beginnings and possibilities for America, to be led by the young President from Massachusetts and his beautiful First Lady.

Now we have the prospect of Kamalot, the presidency of one Kamala Harris. Of course, she has ascended to the Democrat nominee even though she has never been in a presidential primary in either 2020 or 2024. Not one single primary vote in two presidential elections, and this from the party who rails about Donald Trump’s danger to democracy.

Only the democrat machine could manufacture the kind of silent coup that took down their party patriarch after it became clear he could not win in November. That same machine, and especially Kamala Harris, certainly knew that Joe Biden was compromised, and yet they hid that information from the voting public until the wheels fell off the wagon at the June 27th debate disaster.

Interestingly, while Joe’s polls were in the tank, Kamala’s were in the toilet….until she became the party darling. Last year, as vice-president, she garnered the worst VP polling in NBC history. This year she polled nearly as poorly as Joe Biden when matched up with Trump, until the party dumped Biden. Now, according to this poll and that, she is neck and neck with Mr. Trump. Amazing how that happens.

Of course, the democrats and their media co-conspirators have taken a massive eraser to the chalkboard of Kamala’s record and leftist positions. A review of her 59 years before two weeks ago sheds light on who she really is, rather than the policy make-up artists who are engineering her light speed metamorphosis.

In her real political life, as a senator and in her aborted run for president in 2020, Kamala wanted to ban all fracking as she embraced unabashedly the Green New Deal. She championed an open border and a pathway to citizenship for all illegal aliens.

She supported Bernie Sanders’ plan to eliminate the entire private health insurance industry and provide Medicare for All; a single payer system built on more taxes and to be run entirely by the government. In other words, socialized medicine.

Kamala supported gun bans, student loan forgiveness and getting rid of the senate filibuster. She has no intention of keeping the Trump 2017 tax cuts that had created a vibrant economy before the COVID pandemic. She boycotted Bibi Netanyahu’s speech to Congress so she could go speak to a Black sorority group. Her support of Israel in its existential battle takes second place to her progressive base-pleasing calls for a cease fire and two state solution with a “moderate” Hamas.

In sum, she was (and still is) a left wing San Francisco radical who embraces everything that has gone wrong in America. She has NO foreign policy experience, unless you want to count her disastrous role as the “Border Czar.”

She recently called Joe Biden’s record as the best in modern history. She is an unapologetic devotee of all things DEI. She loves gender identity over biology and she adores the idea of directing disproportionate tax dollars to segments of the country based upon race.

Well, turning on a dime, Kamala is not so sure she wants to ban all fracking, not so sure about Medicare for All, not so sure about some of her other left-wing positions. This turnabout is di rigueur for a political whore, and when it comes to selling yourself, Kamala takes second place to no one……well, maybe Miss Hillary.

So, America. If you think a Harris presidency will be another Camelot, I suggest Kamalot will be more like Spamalot. ◊