OPINION: “Loving Democracy” Means Telling the Truth

By: Ken Williette – 8-24

It is impossible to capture the epic failure of the Biden Administration into one defining moment for future generations to study.

They could cringe at arguably the worst debate performance in American history. We could have students endure Secret Service Director Cheatle’s infuriating testimony before Congress, after the near assassination of President Trump.

Or the capstone of a dysfunctional administration may be highlighted by Biden’s cryptic explanation of his departure from the 2024 race in a prime-time address, which could easily be mistaken for a purely self-aggrandizing campaign speech.

All these events point to a troubling crossroads of constant stonewalling before Congress and the American people, which has been aided and abetted by a mostly docile free press. Over the course of three and a half years, the actions of Biden and his minions have created a cascade effect, with wave after wave of gross incompetence– both domestically and overseas.

Dissecting Biden’s so-called ‘for the sake of democracy’ rant raises more questions than answers, mainly because Biden never gave a defining mea culpa—translated from Latin as “through my fault.”

Is loving democracy deliberately avoiding primary contests in New Hampshire and Florida? Are you a guardian of freedom by announcing your retirement after the primaries have ended and no viable candidate can serve as an alternative beyond your anointed one? How about not revealing your true cognitive state, because basic math would tell your exact age on January 19, 2029, and yet you still intended to run up to the time of the debate disaster, and even thereafter.

How is democracy enhanced by potentially selecting the next Leader of the Free World via Zoom? Isn’t that the very definition of backroom kingmaking? Why is it one day perfectly acceptable for Democratic leadership to threaten the 25th Amendment, yet miraculously now it is not necessary despite no improvement in Biden’s cognition. Was Harris in on those constitutional crisis discussions?

Is his departure a brazen realization of Biden’s underwater job approval rating, because a vast majority of the electorate was rejecting his leadership and the direction of the nation? You are essentially “Passing the Torch” when there is a house on fire.
America is a constitutional republic. Thank God and our Founding Fathers for the Electoral College, an independent judiciary and three branches of government as opposed to an English parliamentary system and a reliance on mob rule.

To say that the now resigned Director Cheatle was woefully unprepared to answer valid questions under oath to a co-equal branch of government would be the understatement of the century. It would be analogous to a kid saying to his teacher that the family dog ate his homework, only for a simple investigation to find out that there is no dog.
It is a very sad situation when a rare display of bipartisanship is present at a hearing simply based upon a split-second turn of President Trump’s head, which prevented a likely kill shot.

The more I read about the epic lapses of security during that fateful Saturday afternoon rally, the more of a white-hot rage I am experiencing. The fact that more secret service agents were diverted that same day to protect the First Lady at a private fundraiser of only 400 guests versus an outdoor rally with over 20,000 attendees, raises grave concerns about the prospects of a fair election.

Trump hadn’t officially announced his VP nominee. Imagine the complete chaos that would have ensued because Trump didn’t receive Priority 1 protection and was suddenly assassinated. Considering the credible Iranian threat, what are we to surmise about the level of institutional hatred directed toward Trump by the Secret Service leadership, the FBI hierarchy and the upper echelons of the White House. Reverse the role players and what conclusion would you reach?

Unfortunately, professional indifference and potential criminal malice are not just reserved for Trump. Major Independent candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr., whose famous father and uncle were assassinated, has been repeatedly denied secret service protection— a national disgrace.

Trump was asked to limit his speeches to indoor venues, which is a shocking admission that the world’s elite security apparatus is so demoralized and so undermanned that there is a bona fide risk to POTUS 45. The fact that Trump will return to Butler, Pennsylvania is a proud defiance in defense of free assembly.

But are we really surprised by the utter contempt that Cheatle publicly showcased, because it is common practice in the Biden Administration. Now we are hearing that VP Harris never really served in the capacity of a Border Czar. Sheepish media outlets have promoted that bizarre assertion, even though I have directly watched Biden declare Harris for that important position in a cabinet room press conference.

The author of the groundbreaking novel 1984, George Orwell, would have a field day writing about this blatant propaganda machine if he were still alive. In that book, Orwell goes into exquisite detail about the fictional totalitarian government’s efforts to erase history.

But haven’t conservatives been gaslit all these years about Biden’s mental capacity, the alleged benefits of illegal immigration, the phantom foreign policy victories and the fairness of DEI policies?

Conservatives were called conspiracy theorists for questioning Biden’s pauses in his speaking, his gait and his confusion of names, locations and events. We were labeled heartless about the flood of millions of illegal aliens, even though NBC News reported that major Democratic cities are now cooperating with ICE officials to detain and deport criminals here illegally.

Promoting sanctuary states is costing Democrats dearly in job approval ratings and draining billions from taxpayers. We were told repeatedly that illegals commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans.

But if you review the official DOJ data, at least 15% of our federal prisoners are classified as illegal aliens despite them being only 10% of the US population. That doesn’t even account for the bait and switch of arrests without convictions to whitewash crime statistics.

Finally informing the public of the true damage caused by your harmful policies doesn’t absolve you of responsibility. Especially so close to November! ◊