Rep. Estela Reyes: State House Progress for 2024

By: State Rep. Estela  Reyes – 8-24

It is officially summer for the Massachusetts Legislature. Session came to a close on the morning of August 1st after all-night debates among the House Representatives and Senate. I am proud of the progress made this session by my colleagues, my delegation team, and myself as a first-term representative.

With many different opinions, constituencies and experiences mixed together in the legislature, coming to one concise decision is no easy feat. I look forward to continuing where we left off when we meet again.

The bills that were signed into law by Governor Healey include: the revenge porn and coercive control ban, gun reform, IT bonds, salary transparency, and the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Legislation awaiting action from the Governor at the time this was written includes: the parentage equality act, veterans reform, and the housing bond bill.

Let me go into greater detail on the bills that were passed so we know what to anticipate. The revenge porn and coercive control bill, H.4744, prohibits revenge pornography by closing a past loophole. Massachusetts, typically a driver of progressive law, is the 49th state to enact this legislation. H.4744 also addresses the coercive control of abusers.

Massachusetts was overdue to enact these restrictions. I am glad they are now law.
The gun reform bill is a result of two years of conversations, testimony and debate. The bill takes measures to protect the public against the ongoing threat of gun violence by cracking down on ghost guns, which are unregulated and untraceable firearms. Tighter restrictions on these illegal weapons aims to lessen their presence in our communities.

This reform also prohibits carrying guns on school grounds, polling locations, and government facilities.

The IT bond bill, H.4889, authorizes over $1 billion in bonding and millions in federal funds to go towards health and human services. As society progresses and relies more on artificial intelligence, it is important to have foresight with regulations to ensure it acts in favor of our greater safety and well-being.

The salary transparency bill states that employers with over 25 employees must include the salary range in a job posting. Having the wage visible from the start prevents employers from offering a different salary to individuals for any number of reasons. I support this legislation as transparency remains a top priority of mine.

The FY25 Budget is vast and includes funding towards many areas of need. With the sum being $57.78 billion, a slight increase from the last, Massachusetts is geared up to make important advancements. I am proud to see many local and regional organizations included in the budget, especially the ones I advocated for, for the 4th Essex District.
As you may notice from this list, there are still critical pieces of legislation which were put on hold due to discrepancies between the House and the Senate.

Major bills that I was hoping to see pass include: the economic development bill, maternal health bill, clean energy, and hospital oversight and reforms. Although not signed into law by the morning of August 1st, these bills are not forgotten and it is possible we see their contents brought up during informal sessions.

Ensuring that accurate and reliable information be available to voters remains a priority of mine. Please reach out to my office at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. As always, thank you for your attention. ◊