REP. PAULINO: Creating Safer Streets and Empowering Our Community: A Call to Action

By: State Rep.  Francisco Paulino – 8-24

Dear friends and neighbors,

Last month, a concerning incident on Route 110 highlighted the urgent need for improved pedestrian safety in our community. An employee of Pleasant Valley Farm, owned by the Bonnano family, was struck by a vehicle while crossing the road. Thankfully, the injuries were minor, but this incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that pedestrians face daily.

The employees at Pleasant Valley Farm cross Route 110 multiple times each day, and the frequent near misses they’ve experienced emphasize the need for action. Crosswalks exist to protect pedestrians, but they require drivers to remain vigilant and respectful. It’s essential that our roads are safe for everyone, whether they are heading to work, school, or simply moving through our community.

To address this issue, I have reached out to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to explore solutions that can enhance safety on Route 110. During a recent visit to Andover, I observed the crosswalk lighting system installed at Merrimack College, which significantly improves pedestrian visibility. I’ve proposed implementing a similar system here to prevent future accidents. We must act now to ensure that another incident does not occur.

Legislative Progress: Protecting Our Firefighters

In addition to our local safety concerns, I’m pleased to report significant legislative progress at the State House. Recently, we passed a crucial piece of legislation aimed at protecting our firefighters by eliminating PFAS chemicals from their turnout gear.

PFAS, known as “forever chemicals,” pose significant health risks. Removing these substances from firefighter gear is an essential step in ensuring the health and safety of our first responders. As a member of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, I have been a strong advocate for this legislation. Our firefighters risk their lives every day to protect us, and they deserve the best protection available.

This legislative victory reflects our commitment to public safety and environmental responsibility. I extend my gratitude to all who supported this cause, and together, we are making meaningful strides in safeguarding those who protect us.

Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders

While we focus on enhancing safety and supporting our firefighters, it is equally important to invest in our future by empowering young entrepreneurs in our community. The youth of Methuen and Lawrence are the future leaders and innovators, and supporting their ambitions is vital.

This summer, young entrepreneurs like Avery and her sisters, known as the Gibbs Girls, have launched their business, Gibbs Girls Tropical Lemonade, on Thornton Ave. Their entrepreneurial spirit and determination are inspiring examples of the potential within our community. Similarly, Caroline, another young entrepreneur, is running a lemonade stand to achieve her goal of attending a WWE match.

Supporting these young business ventures goes beyond financial investment; it fosters essential skills like financial literacy, customer service, and teamwork. By backing these young entrepreneurs, we are nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

A Historic Step: Making Community College Free

One of our proudest achievements this legislative session has been making community college free for all Massachusetts residents. This initiative is more than a policy change; it’s a monumental step toward ensuring equal opportunity and access to education for everyone in our state.

By eliminating financial barriers, we are opening doors for countless individuals who can now pursue higher education without the burden of tuition costs. This decision will empower more people to gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s competitive job market and make meaningful contributions to our community.

I am proud to have been part of the team that pushed for this change, and I am excited to see the positive impact it will have on students in Methuen, Lawrence, and across Massachusetts.

The Apprenticeship Hub: Connecting People with Opportunities

In collaboration with my colleague, State Senator Pavel Payano, my office has been working diligently to establish a new pilot program called the Apprenticeship Hub. This initiative will create an office located between Lawrence and Methuen, serving as a central resource for the entire Merrimack Valley.

The Apprenticeship Hub will be a place where anyone in the Merrimack Valley can learn about and apply for apprenticeship programs available throughout the state. By connecting individuals with hands-on training and education opportunities, we aim to bridge the gap between education and employment, helping our community members acquire the skills needed for successful careers.

In addition to offering information and support for apprenticeship applications, the Apprenticeship Hub will coordinate tours and open house gatherings for the community. These events will provide valuable insights into various industries and career paths, fostering a deeper understanding of the opportunities available in our state.

The creation of the Apprenticeship Hub represents a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to empower individuals and strengthen our local economy. Together with Senator Payano, we are committed to making this resource a vital part of our community’s growth and success.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Apprenticeship Hub, please contact my office at

Together, let’s work towards a safer, more prosperous community where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. By prioritizing both safety and opportunity, we can build a future that reflects the best of what our community has to offer. ◊