REP. REYES: Legislature Was Very Active Last Month

By: State Rep. Estela Reyes – July,  2024

June declares the official start of summer, and in the Massachusetts State House, the beginning of the end of Session. This month the House passed significant pieces of legislation which will be of great benefit to the residents of this state. Continue reading as I dive into two major bills, the Housing Bond bill and the Economic Development bill, which both had big wins for the 4th Essex District.

Early in June, the State House Representatives gathered to debate the Housing Bond Bill, formally named An Act relative to the Affordable Homes Act. This $6.5 billion bond bill is the largest housing investment in Massachusetts history. It includes bond authorizations, tax credits, and policy initiatives that promote housing production, facilitate the development of affordable housing, and preserve public housing.

Massachusetts is in an undeniable housing crisis that the House is working to overcome. A piece of this packed bill that I will highlight is the multi-million-dollar program that will help municipalities convert commercial properties into multi-unit residential or mixed-use properties.

And after completion of the project, sponsors will be eligible for a tax credit on the developmental costs. The Housing Bond bill also allocates a large sum of money to support alternative forms of rental housing to better respond to needs such as homelessness and housing for seniors or veterans.

A portion of that amount is preserved for housing for those who qualify as low-income. Investing in housing is necessary, and I am proud of the advocacy from my community and colleagues to make it happen.

At the end of the month the House passed the Economic Development bill, H.4789 An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts’ economic leadership. This bill is packed with bond authorizations and tax credits which will promote growth, innovation, and longevity in Massachusetts’ economy.

I am proud to share that the 4th Essex District secured impressive funding for the preservation of roads and historic landmarks, for small business loans, and for programs to create jobs. In total, millions of dollars in bonds will be allocated to the two municipalities I represent. Acquiring this funding is monumental for Lawrence and Methuen. I am honored to be trusted with the responsibility of representing two booming cities and will continue to push for cash to be brought into these well-deserving communities. It is reassuring to have my confidence in my community backed by our State Legislature.

In other June news, I want to acknowledge the gracious fathers and the hardworking graduates. Father’s Day is a special time to celebrate our lineage and loved ones. The graduates I have celebrated this month, of all ages, continue to impress me with their knowledge, skills, and hunger for life. I cannot wait to see these individuals bring their expertise back to our community to continue growing together.

Lastly, Happy Pride Month! I want to acknowledge all of the LGBTQ+ members of our community and celebrate their presence here. I see you and I support you. I am thankful to represent a leading state in the nation for LGBTQ+ rights, but there is still more work to be done.

As always, please reach out to with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you for reading the Valley Patriot! ◊