Kinder Morgan Pipeline Suspension is Victory for Merrimack Valley – IN YOUR CORNER WITH SENATOR IVES

Kinder Morgan Pipeline Suspension is Victory for Merrimack Valley – IN YOUR CORNER WITH SENATOR IVES

By: State Senator Katy Ives May, 2016 Kinder Morgan, a Houston, Texas-based energy infrastructure company, submitted its first letter related to their Northeast Energy Direct Project (NED Project) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on September 15, 2014. It detailed a plan to construct 177 miles of new pipeline from Wright, New York to […]

Public Records Should Be Accessible with Penalties for Failure To Comply

Public Records Should Be Accessible with Penalties for Failure To Comply

By: Senator Katy Ives – March 2014 Given this is The Valley Patriot’s 10th year anniversary special edition, I would like to highlight legislation in the State House especially relevant to freedom of the press. Government should have transparency and accountability and the only way to ensure that this is occurring is to have access. […]