Commissioner of Education Mitchell Chester has passed away. The controversial head of Massachusetts public education was intimately involved in the takeover of the U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement today about the passing of Mitchell Chester, Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education: “Mitchell spent his life and his career fighting for students. […]
The Valley Patriot has covered many state corruption stories in the past ten and a half years. What we observed in that time is that scandals come and go, but very rarely does anything ever change. Our editorial board sat down with State Representative Jim Lyons and Shauna O’Connell to ask them the gravity of […]
By: Peter Larocque – January, 2012 As of the time this article went to print, The Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mr. Mitchell Chester held meetings with the Lawrence Teacher’s Union, Lawrence Parents and Community members, and finally with the Lawrence Public School Personnel. His message to all is that he is […]