The Toxic Martha Coakley’s Toxic Legacy Is Harming All Our Children

The Toxic Martha Coakley’s Toxic Legacy Is Harming All Our Children

  By: Dr.  Bharani Padmanabhan MD PhD             In 2012 I wrote in the Valley Patriot that the toxic Martha Coakley refused to get justice for 15yo Tiffany Guyette when the exalted Jerry Remy’s son Jared raped her. Coakley intentionally let Jared walk between the raindrops without registering him for statutory rape. She did it […]

Judge Debra Squires-Lee Should Show Progressive Solidarity With Migrants

Judge Debra Squires-Lee Should Show Progressive Solidarity With Migrants

And Return To Living In A Tent By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – Feb. 2024 When interviewed by the spineless Governor’s Council after declaring she wanted “to serve” on the bench, Debra Squires-Lee recalled time spent in Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming and said “From the time I was 10 until I was 15 […]

Mass. SJC Gives Carte Blanche To Top AGO Attorneys

Mass. SJC Gives Carte Blanche To Top AGO Attorneys

By; Bharany Padmanabhan – 10-23 Back in the spring the Supreme Judicial Court called for amicus briefs in the case of the Attorney General’s lawyers who hadn’t cared about the fundamental American rights of 33,000 people, some of whom died in prison and some who were in prison when their loved ones died. ANNOUNCEMENT: The […]

Court Strikes Blow Against Public Boards Demanding “Civility” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-23)

Court Strikes Blow Against Public Boards Demanding  “Civility” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-23)

7-23 For decades, local city councils, boards of selectmen, and school committees have tried to silence criticism of their actions by instituting vague and interpretive “civility policies” whereby people are silenced at public participation whenever they try to call out the bad behavior of elected officials, or raise issues that political insiders are trying to […]

Candace Sloane’s Medical Board Opposes Harm Reduction & Wants Patients Dead

Candace Sloane’s Medical Board  Opposes Harm Reduction & Wants Patients Dead

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – Jan. 2020 The Massachusetts press loyally serves as the swamp stenographer and is a reliable cheerleader for the government’s fake narratives and outright lies. It is as predictable as the Washington Post and NY Times whitewashing murderous sex-slave raping jihadis as scholars and mourners. Brad Petrishen and the Worcester Telegram are […]

Lion Air Crash Report Destroys Leape’s Fake Dogma

Lion Air Crash Report Destroys Leape’s Fake Dogma

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – Nov. 2019 In order to provide the intellectual pretext for the takeover of the profession of medicine by conglomerates and the destruction of physicians committed to their patients and profession, Lucian Leape fabricated the fake dogma that doctors are just like pilots and must also be turned into compliant, replaceable, cogs. […]

Charlie Baker’s Empty Vaping Ban Is Peak Massachusetts

Charlie Baker’s Empty Vaping Ban Is Peak Massachusetts

BY: Bharani Padmanabhan – Oct. 2019 On September 24, 2019 Governor Charlie Baker suddenly declared a public health emergency and invoked MGL chapter 17 § 2A, which allows the Public Health Commissioner to “during such period of emergency, take such action and incur such liabilities as he may deem necessary to assure the maintenance of […]

Progressives Love Letting Racketeers Walk Between The Raindrops

Progressives Love Letting Racketeers Walk Between The Raindrops

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – Sept. 2019 This past week, supporters of the rule of law encountered the shameful spectacle of a full page announcement in the Boston Globe, from 70 progressive outfits, condemning the jury verdict in the case of naked extortion by Marty Walsh’s agents. You remember Marty? Former union leader who became mayor […]

No Oversight Over State Dental and Medical Board is The Biggest Barrier

No Oversight Over State Dental and Medical Board is The Biggest Barrier

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – Aug 2019 Governor Charlie Baker did nothing over four long years to fix fundamental regulatory problems at the RMV. This led directly to seven innocent people being killed. Charlie owns those deaths. In order to escape censure and future oversight from the Legislature, Charlie bribed them by signing the budget without […]

An Imperfect Independence Denies A Doctor Basic Rights

An Imperfect Independence Denies A Doctor Basic Rights

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – July, 2019 This month, as the nation celebrates Independence from England, as my friend Kevin Leach correctly insists, we must also consider the sectors of the country where the founding principles are still observed only in the breach. I have written here earlier about progressive Massachusetts’ medical board coercing, on behalf […]

The Government is Responsible For Sky-High Drug Prices

The Government is Responsible For Sky-High Drug Prices

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – June, 2019 Liberal Lion Ted Kennedy pushed through the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act and the 2009 Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act. The Bayh-Dole Act allowed private companies to make huge profits off discoveries paid for by the taxpayers, like the billions Novartis made from the Gleevec discovered by Oregon’s public university. […]

Doctors Are Not Airline Pilots

Doctors Are Not Airline Pilots

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – April, 2019 When Lucian Leape abandoned the profession of medicine and set out to make it subservient to corporate monopolies he began by claiming doctors are the same as airline pilots. Firstly, Leape claimed that doctors do not care about their patients and care only about their outsized egos. This crystalized […]

Chicago Proves Superior To Essex County District Attorney Blodgett

Chicago Proves Superior To Essex County District Attorney Blodgett

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – March, 2019 Chicago just indicted and arrested Jussie Smollett, an actor, for the felony of filing a false police complaint. The false complaint aimed to support the fake narrative that intolerance has increased since President Trump was elected by millions of ordinary people to drain the swamp and that only Trump […]

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