Audit the Legislature, End the Secret Slush Funds! ~ Valley Patriot Editorial July, 2024

July, 2024

Massachusetts State Auditor Diana DiZoglio has been on a personal mission since her days as a legislative aide on Beacon Hill back in 2011.

That mission is to hold lawmakers accountable for the money they spend, the backroom deals they make, and the secrets they keep from the voters they are supposed to serve.
To fully understand where DiZoglio is coming from, and why we need to support her initiatives, we first have to look at what happened back in 2011 that has become the driving force for DiZoglio’s efforts.

Diana was once the legislative aide for Andover State Rep. Paul Adams, who hailed himself as a Christian conservative and a republican moralist. Adams was vocally troubled by the fact that his aide, (DiZoglio), was single, beautiful, and garnered a lot of unwanted attention from some of the lecherous good-old-boys on Beacon Hill. But, instead of being outraged by the behavior of his male colleagues who sexually harassed and abused DiZoglio on Beacon Hill, Adams was outraged at DiZoglio for daring to attract such attention.

Then, after fake stories made it to the Boston media about DiZoglio being involved with a sitting State Rep., (a story the Valley Patriot proved untrue) the sexual harassment against her by House members and other staffers grew to be intolerable.

Instead of having her back and seeing her as the victim of sexual predators, Paul Adams fired her. That’s right, for being sexually harassed, and abused, Adams blamed her even commenting to members of the press about the way she dressed at work.

Before getting her final paycheck from the taxpayers, however, the Speaker of the House offered her a big severance package as long as she was willing to keep her mouth shut about what had occurred and who was involved. This is known as a non-disclosure agreement.

That money came from a secret slush fund in the legislature that nobody even knew existed. A slush fund that serves to silence the hundreds of women who had to tolerate sexual abuse and harassment on Beacon Hill, but also protects those who commit such acts, allowing them to keep doing what they want with no fear of the public, finding out about what they had done.

Since then, DiZoglio has been on a mission to audit and expose the secret slush funds in the legislature.

How much of the taxpayers’ money have they spent to settle sex harassment and abuse claims while lecturing the rest of us about how much they “care about women?”

How many other secret slush funds exist on Beacon Hill?

Who exactly is involved?The voters of Massachusetts MUST stand with Auditor DiZoglio in her efforts to get a ballot question passed to audit the legislature and get answers to these questions.

The public surely has the right to know!

It is your money! ◊