OPINION: Shaken and Stirred in Dracut

OPINION: Shaken and Stirred in Dracut

  By: Philippe Thibault – 6/24 Well, that was interesting. Dracut’s municipal election was held on May fourth with the only contested race being between three contestants, Dave Martin, Don Plummer, and Josh Taylor. The latter won the election by a narrow margin of twenty-three votes. The rollercoaster ride the night of the election came […]

OPINION (DRACUT): An Improper Proposal

OPINION (DRACUT): An Improper Proposal

By: Philippe Thibault – 5/24 The populace in Dracut is fiercely proud of its agrarian ancestry. The wilderness north of the river, known to the native peoples as Augumtoocooke, was incorporated into the Town of Dracut in 1701. The earliest “European “settlers with names of Varnum, Richardson, Fox, and others took to the soil to […]

OPINION: The Cost of Affordable Housing

OPINION: The Cost of Affordable Housing

By: Philippe Thibault – 3/24 Massachusetts House Bill 4138 goes by the moniker “the Affordable Homes Act.” This is being layered on top of the recent MBTA Communities bills passed by the legislature in 2020. The MBTA Communities, now law, requires those communities served by or adjacent to communities served by the Massachusetts Bay Transit […]

The Bellwether Tolls

The Bellwether Tolls

  By: Philippe Thibault ~ Feb, 2024 I now have proof the Town of Dracut never ratified the United States Constitution. And with the likes of Alison Genest, Joseph DiRocco, and Jennifer Kopcinski, I don’t hold much hope for it in the future. At a Zoning Bylaw Review Committee meeting on January 11th, the Chairman […]

The Sound of Silence in Dracut

The Sound of Silence in Dracut

By: Philippe Thibault, Jan.  2024 The greatest philosophical questions in the world are often passed off as a gag line. What is the sound of one hand clapping? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a noise? There are academic discussions that can be made from these […]

Unceasingly Grateful

Unceasingly Grateful

By: Philippe Thibault – Nov. 2023 Maybe it is the crisp air, the smell of fallen leaves, the sound of a crackling fire, the long shadows on midafternoon walks, or the plastic Santa Clauses that have been in stores since Labor Day, but this time of year brings out philanthropic qualities of goodwill that we […]

MBTA = Must Build Thousands of Apartments

MBTA = Must Build Thousands of Apartments

By: Philippe Thibault 10-23 All communities serviced by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and those communities adjacent to this public transit provider will be required to create zoning supporting the production of housing. A total of one hundred and seventy-seven communities in eastern Massachusetts are required to comply. Boston is exempt from the regulation. […]

YOU, the People (Dracut)

YOU, the People (Dracut)

By: Philippe Thibault 9-23 I occasionally like to say, tongue in cheek, that the Constitution of the United States was never ratified in Dracut. All the rights and privileges afforded by that document cease to have validity and relevance within the town borders. I find it humorous and laugh, until it is true. There is […]

Indivisible in Dracut

Indivisible in Dracut

Philippe Thibault – 7.23 “All politics is local” is most strongly associated with former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tip O’Neill. There would still be national issues that would spark conversation at the local coffee shop and diner. These were discussions between friends and colleagues that may not agree politically but were bound by […]

Twilight Zoning: By-Laws In Dracut

Twilight Zoning: By-Laws In Dracut

Philippe Thibault, 6-23 You can hear the iconic music all ready, can’t you: dee, dee, DEE, dee. Such is life in a small bucolic hamlet in northeastern Massachusetts, but appearances can be deceiving when the light is dim. A dim light from the twilight zone. Let us cast a brighter light on the zoning bylaw […]

Please Answer in the Form of a Quorum (Dracut)

Please Answer in the  Form of a Quorum (Dracut)

By: Philippe Thibault, 5-23 The first Monday in the month of June is Dracut’s Spring Town Meeting. All the articles for the warrant are in and recorded. There are forty-five articles this year on an array of topics. The Spring Town Meeting by Town Charter is supposed to be predominately related to fiscal matters, budgets, […]