OPINION: Pot – Kettle – Black

OPINION: Pot – Kettle – Black

  By: Ted Xenakis – 6-24 We all know that expression about the hypocrisy of those who criticize someone else for doing the same thing as those who criticize. It’s a case of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black. It’s the classic case of Do What I Say and Not as I do. Well, we […]

OPINION: Biden’s Trojan Horse

OPINION: Biden’s Trojan Horse

By: Ted  Xenakis – 5/24 Unless you are drunk on liberal Kool-Aide, you know America has a crisis at our southern border. For reasons that are all too apparent to any thinking person, Joe Biden is changing the demographics in America like no other time in our nation’s history. He’s a one-man wrecking crew whose […]