DiZoglio Exposes Welfare Fraud in her First Months ~ IN YOUR CORNER with AUDITOR DIZOGLIO

Auditor DiZoglio’s Bureau of Special Investigations Unit Identifies over $2.7 Million in Public Benefit Fraud

By: State Auditor Diana DiZoglio – 3/23

Hello Valley Patriot Readers,

It’s been an exciting first few weeks in office as our team of auditors work diligently on wrapping up audits, while we also set the wheels in motion to initiate new ones that pertain to campaign initiatives.
In February, my office’s Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI) released its second quarter report, which is my first report released since taking office a month ago. This report found evidence totaling $2,710,499.81 in fraudulently obtained public assistance benefits and services.

During quarter two of fiscal year 2023, BSI conducted a total of 1,135 cases. Of those cases, 255 were completed with public assistance fraud identified.

The work of BSI fraud examiners ensures taxpayer dollars are used legally to fund Massachusetts’ public benefits programs, and that those programs are accessible to the residents they are intended to truly receive them. These programs are essential in protecting families and our economy’s workforce.

Under state law, the BSI’s investigative authority extends to any assistance program administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), the Department of Children and Families (DCF), and the Division of Medical Assistance, which administers MassHealth (the state’s Medicaid program). Although the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) is not included in the BSI statute, BSI also works with EEC through a Memorandum of Understanding.

These programs serve an important role in supporting individuals and families across Massachusetts. This is why I am grateful for the BSI fraud examiners and their dedication to ensuring a more responsible, accountable, and transparent government for those who depend on these programs and services.

As a result of BSI’s investigations, public assistance fraud cases are referred to agencies for administrative action, fraudulent overpayments are recovered through civil agreements, individuals are disqualified from programs for specified periods of time, and cases are prosecuted in state and federal courts.

If you would like to learn more, please visit HERE.
My office will continue to conduct these important audits and reports to identify waste, fraud and abuse to protect your hard-earned tax dollars.

As always, feel free to contact me anytime via email at auditor@sao.state.ma.us or by phone at (617) 727-2075. If you’re ever at the State House, I hope you’ll stop by and visit our team in room 230!
Yours in service,
Diana ◊