Enterprise Bank, AAA, Lions Clubs Pitch in $5,800 for TMF

The Movement Family (TMF), a group of volunteers who feed the homeless in Lawrence, attended the Valley Patriot BASH last month to support the newspaper’s charitable endeavors  and help raise money for local scholarships.

Instead, they walked away with more than $5,800 in donations after being surprised by Jessica Phillips of Enterprise Bank and her team (with a check for $2,500), Darlene Ford of AAA of the Merrimack Valley (who donated $2,500) and the Lions Club who donated $800 for food purchased to feed the homeless.

TMF founder Michael Gorman said he was humbled by those businesses who pitched in. “I know Tom and The Valley Patriot are always looking out for us, and trying to help us raise money.  I am really grateful that these businesses partnering with The Valley Patriot are willing to help us make a difference to those living on the streets. We were really surprised by this but I guess we shouldn’t be.”◊