By: State Senator Pavel Payano – 01-23
I am honored to have the opportunity to represent the communities of Lawrence, Methuen, and Haverhill as the State Senator for the First Essex District.
In the Senate Chamber, I am in seat number 13- the seat my predecessor, State Auditor Diana DiZoglio, held. Diana was a fierce advocate for this district during her tenure as state senator, and I am excited to build on her progress.
I am also excited about the ongoing work of moving all of our communities forward.
In the months ahead, I am also excited to collaborate with my State House colleagues to deliver meaningful change to our communities through forward-looking policies.
On Beacon Hill, I will fight to increase funding for early childhood education to make it more accessible and affordable for working-class families.
Education is the great equalizer, and such investments will help create better educational outcomes, address the achievement gaps, and lay a foundation for a better and more equitable region and state. Early education is critical to a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
A zip code should not determine the quality of education and life a child receives and has.
I will also work to help decrease barriers to mental health and substance misuse programming in our district and across the state. Right now, we are seeing an overwhelming number of people struggling to obtain mental health and substance use treatment.
This is especially true for working-class families who can’t bear treatment costs. While Massachusetts has made great strides to bridge the treatment gaps, there is room to do more and ensure those who need to access treatment can.
Heading into this session, I am also looking forward to working with my fellow delegation members and city officials to help improve our communities, strengthen the economy, and meet the needs of our working-class families.
I know many families are feeling the brunt of inflation, and I want to make sure they know my office is available to help– whether it’s accessing unemployment benefits or navigating state programs.
We are here and happy to lend a hand.
Pavel Payano is a former Lawrence School Committeeman and City Councilor. He was elected in November to be the state senator for the 1st Essex District which includes; Lawrence, Haverhill, and Methuen. You can email him at: ◊