Full Access to Salisbury Beach Restored Ahead of Fourth of July Holiday

Access Point 8 Reopened


Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Brian Arrigo and Sen. Bruce Tarr, Chair of the Merrimack River Beach Alliance, today released the below statements on the reopening of Access Point 8 at Salisbury Beach.

“We are thrilled to be reopening the access point 8 at Salisbury Beach today ahead of the Fourth of July holiday.

DCR worked in close partnership with the Town, the legislative delegation, the community, and our partner agencies to safely and efficiently restore full access to the Beach – a beautiful destination spot and economic driver for the region – as quickly as possible. Our agency is committed to ensuring that residents and families can safely visit and experience our state’s beautiful beaches and waterfronts this summer.” – Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Brian Arrigo

“I am proud of the extraordinary collaboration that made this project possible. The DCR, Merrimack River Beach Alliance, Salisbury Town officials, the legislative delegation and citizens all worked together to get this done. This is a major victory for everyone who loves our beaches. Access Point 8 is once again a beautiful and inviting entry to enjoy the outdoors.” – Sen. Bruce Tarr, Chair of the Merrimack River Beach Alliance

The reopening of access point 8 marks the restoration of the final of the three beach access points that were closed earlier this year due to winter storm damage. Access points 9 and 10 reopened ahead of the Memorial Day Weekend.

DCR is committed to working with the Town on a longer-term solution to climate-change driven erosion at the beach.