By: James Grant – April 2013
As conservatives, we can develop strategies to regain political control of our country on both local and national levels. We can organize initiatives to counter the outrageous policies of big government and the liberalism that seems to be metastasizing throughout our culture. But, unless we focus on the effects that the liberally biased media has had on America and the voting public, we are wasting our time.
Media mind control
Despite what the network pundits would have us believe, the defeat of Romney and Republicans nationwide was not due to some contrived “war on women” or their stand on illegal immigration, but rather the result of media mind control. The main stream news media, reflected by the entertainment industry and our education system are the dominant influences shaping public opinion in America. These three industries define the public’s perception of reality and “political correctness”. They inhibit free and open discussion. Many voters are persuaded to support liberal values and candidates just to avoid being ridiculed or demonized. It’s disturbing to realize that even a slightly biased news media could be the deciding factor in a “close” election.
Most Americans rely on the “news” for factual information regarding political matters. But, the media is driven by ratings and commercial sponsors, as well as corporate affiliations and political influence. Those factors weigh heavily on news content and programming decisions. News organizations will sometimes exclude relevant details of a story, or ignore a story entirely if it fails to support a particular political narrative. It can be difficult for viewers to decide which sources of information to trust.
Adding more spin, late night comedians ridicule those who support conservative values with sarcasm that could easily be redirected at any of us who disagree. Not wanting to face the same sharp-tongued criticism, too few of us stray from our comfort zone to challenge opinions deemed to be “politically correct”.
A biased media, whether left or right leaning, is detrimental to the tenets of democracy. Many voters have become unreceptive and even hostile to conservative and Republican viewpoints. Conservative assertions are often dismissed as lies and distortions. These so called “low information voters” are actually “disinformation voters”. They are not a problem because of what they don’t know, but because that what they do know is wrong!
Political intolerance
When attempting to discuss political issues with those who rely solely on the main stream media for news and information, you might as well be claiming that you had been abducted by space aliens. The reaction is typically the furrowed eyebrows of those secure in the belief that they are in good company. You may be asked, “Where do you get this stuff?” Worse yet, you may be shunned or demonized for your political beliefs.
Branding & proactive persuasion
The challenge facing us is to correct misconceptions and establish a receptive attitude for future messages. The Democrats have successfully branded themselves as the party of compassion and the Republicans as elitist, greedy and uncaring. We must no longer let them and their media cohorts define us. We must develop a branding campaign to counter the negative identity with which liberals have branded conservatives and Republicans.
It would be unrealistic to assume that we can change the minds of those who vote only their self-interests. But, well-intentioned voters need only to realize that perhaps they have been influenced by a biased media and/or peer pressure. We can easily present them with examples of liberal media bias. In fact, we have “binders full of them”. This will help voters recognize media bias and its role in shaping public opinion. Such an initiative will motivate voters to question popular opinion and to think independently.
As conservatives, we need to overcome the fear of being ostracized for expressing conservative principles both as a political party and as individuals. An informed voter can deflect the ridicule of misguided followers and win the support of the undecided. Going along to get along may assure our good standing with others, but maybe we would all be better served if we could persuade others to go along with us.