KANE’S KORNER ~ A Partnership Between Lowell High School and Middlesex Community College


Kane learned that all students at Lowell High School are eligible to attend college level classes at Middlesex Community College while enrolled in their junior and senior year of high school. Kane thought this was a great way to earn college credits at no cost to the student, expose students to the college setting, and get a jump start on earning credits.

“Can you believe that students could actually graduate from high school with up to a year of college credits already completed?” said Kane. These students are meeting the requirements for high school and college at the same time. The requirement for credit is passing the course.

Kane knows that saving money is very important. Did you know that the Early College Lowell program saves students a full year of tuition estimated to cost between $8,000.00 and $10,000.00 at an in- state community college. Not only is tuition covered, but students also receive a laptop, and the cost of books and materials are covered for each class.

Three credit classes are taught to juniors and seniors on campus, where students can experience the college classroom and participate and student activities and services. Kane was excited to learn that one credit freshman and sophomore classes were offered at Lowell High School. These classes are attended by all Lowell High School attendees. The curriculum focuses on career development, interest surveys, and value clarification. Another one credit class focuses on healthy decision making.

Kane wondered what type of support services are available. He learned that support professionals are available at both Lowell High School and Middlesex Community College. Services provided include helping students with career planning, assisting in selecting classes, linking students with tutors, mentors, and student advisors, and offering workshops to students and parents.

To be admitted into the program students are required to fill out an application and provide their high school transcripts. Junior and Senior participants are asked to complete an additional year of college after graduation. Kane thought that was extremely smart since at the end of that year the student would have achieved or would be close to attaining an associate’s degree. For more information on enrollment in Early College Lowell, send an email to earlycollege@lowell.k12.ma.us.

After a student earns an associate’s degree, Early College Promise allows students to transfer their credits to a 4 year in state school to work towards a bachelor’s degree. Kane was interested in learning what classes and majors of study were available. He would like to share this list with you of potential classes – Graphic Design, General Biology, Public Speaking, Film and Society, Introduction to Engineering, English Composition and Intro to Psychology, to name a few.

Like you, Kane loves to see students excited about learning and focused on a career path that feels purposeful and personally fulfilling. He was excited to learn about this opportunity for Lowell High School students. The Greater Lowell Tech has a similar opportunity. As Kane always says, “keep your eyes open when opportunity knocks.”

Kane Peaslee
Columnist, Valley Patriot ◊