Lawrence’s Mayor DePeña Appoints War Hero; Francisco Ureña as the Provisional Manager at the Lawrence Municipal Airport


Francisco A. Ureña Is serving as Provisional Manager at the Lawrence Municipal Airport located in North Andover. Francisco has a history of public service. He enlisted the day after high school in the United States Marine Corps. Serving eight years of honorable active-duty service. A decorated Marine, he served at two American Embassies; American Embassy in Damascus, Syria & Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. He is a Combat Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom where he served as a Tank Commander. He served as Veterans’ Services Secretary 2015-2020, Veterans’ Services Commissioner in the City of Boston 2011-2015 and Director of Veterans’ Services in the City of Lawrence 2007 – 2011.

He most recently served as Deputy Director of Military Initiatives at MassDevelopment. He is a graduate of Norther Essex Community College with an AA degree in Political Science, UMass Lowell with BA degree in History & Legal Studies and Endicott College with a master’s degree in Business Administration. He is the husband of Jennifer Siegler, together they are the proud parents Maxwell and Madison Ureña.


Francisco A. Ureña se desempeñacomoGerente Provisional enel Aeropuerto Municipal de Lawrence ubicadoen North Andover. Francisco tiene un historial de serviciopúblico. Se alistóel día después de la escuelasecundariaenel Cuerpo de Marines de losEstados Unidos. Cumpliendoochoaños de servicioactivo honorable. Un infante de marina condecoradosirvióen dos embajadasestadounidensesEmbajada de Estados Unidos en Damasco, Siria y Bishkek, Kirguistán. Es un veterano de combate de la Operación Libertad Iraquídonde se desempeñócomo comandante de tanque. Se desempeñócomoSecretario de Servicios para Veteranos 2015-2020, Comisionado de Servicios para Veteranosen la Ciudad de Boston 2011-2015 y Director de Servicios para Veteranosen la Ciudad de Lawrence 2007-2011. Recientemente se desempeñócomo Director Adjunto de IniciativasMilitaresen MassDevelopment . Es graduado de Norther Essex Community College con un título AA enCienciasPolíticas, UMass Lowell con unalicenciaturaen Historia y EstudiosLegales y Endicott College con unamaestríaen Administración de Empresas. Es elesposo de Jennifer Siegler, juntos son losorgullosos padres Maxwell y Madison Ureña.