Local Veterans Honored in New Book “Heroes in Our Midst” ~ From The Pages of The Valley Patriot

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Each month since March of 2004, The Valley Patriot newspaper has published a front page story about the bravery and dedication of a local veteran called “Valley Patriot of the Month, Heroes in Our Midst”.

In the 13 years we have been publishing The Valley Patriot, we’ve amassed quite a collection of stories from 134 local veterans who are now honored and remember in this great new book detailing how they played a part in history, and how it changed their lives.

From WWII to the War on Terror, “Heroes in Our Midst” includes not only interviews and stories with local veterans, but personal photos from the men and women who were there. 

Methuen State Representative Linda Dean Campbell, (herself a veteran highlighted in the book) wrote one of the two forwards for the book.

“The Valley Patriot has provided a great service to the Merrimack Valley in honoring veterans each month for the last 13 years. They have made great and successful efforts to reach out to so many veterans and their families. This compilation of all of the men and women who were honored with “Veteran of the Month” in one book will be a memorable and treasured keepsake for the Veterans and their families, and a reminder to all of us the many Heroes in our Midst.”

~ State Representative, Linda Dean Campbell

Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans Services Francisco Urena (also featured in the book) wrote the other forward saying,

“We owe so many of our freedoms and liberties to the sacrifices of our veterans. Combat and military service is an experience that few Americans endure. Of those who have served in the armed forces, few open up and share their memories after returning home. I am personally grateful to every veteran who has taken the time to share their experiences with The Valley Patriot for their monthly feature, “Valley Patriot of the Month, Heroes in Our Midst” over the last 13 years. Through this collection of their individual stories, let every American see the heroism and valiant service these men and women gave to our country. They are Truly Heroes in Our Midst and as you will see, they are true ‘Valley Patriots’. The least we can all do in return for the brave service of our veterans is to remember their stories, their sacrifices, and experiences.”

~ Francisco Urena, Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans Services