Methuen Taekwondo Owner to Visit Israel on Misison of Peace Will Join Israeli & Palestinian Women in an Oxytocin Project

Master Catherine Chang of Chang’s Taekwondo America in Methuen and Haverhill
Master Catherine Chang of Chang’s Taekwondo America in Methuen and Haverhill has been Selected as One of 33 Western Women by “The Brave Heart Women Foundation” to Collaborate with Israeli & Palestinian Women in an Oxytocin Project.

Master Catherine Chang of Chang’s Taekwondo America in Methuen and Haverhill has been Selected as One of 33 Western Women by “The Brave Heart Women Foundation” to Collaborate with Israeli & Palestinian Women in an Oxytocin Project.

In late October, Catherine Chang, as one of 33 Western women chosen by BraveHeart Global Vision, will be heading to Jerusalem for four day collaboration with 33 women from each: USA, Israel and Palestine. The genesis of implementation of the Oxytocin Project which began in 2009 and is a unique project due to culminate in the Middle East in 2014. A documentary will be released worldwide in 2015, for the purpose of integrating a new wave of peaceful global collaboration.

What if the key to creating a harmonious world were hidden in our hormones? What if peace and love were chemically coded into our bodies? Oxytocin is the essence of empathy, the bonding mechanism that motivates sympathy and suppresses aggression.

The reason that we know so little, comparatively speaking, about this hormone, which is essential for natural birth, breastfeeding, bonding, sexual love, is that our culture values these so little. Oxytocin is a more natural feminine trait and we lack an abundance of female leadership in the business and politics of this modern world. Rather, our male dominated political strategy puts more emphasis in adrenaline rushes, and the primal fight-or-flight, dog-eat-dog approach to life than in the values of peace and love.

In that spirit, a tour bus traveled across dozens of cities throughout the US in 2011, continuing this experiment, with thousands of women impacted similarly, further preparing it to be launched in the Middle East. (Master Catherine Facilitating for the Connecticut/Boston Event) In early July 2012, fifty plus women gathered from Israel, from Palestine, and from the Western world to initiate the Oxytocin Project in Jerusalem. An e-mail from a BraveHeart representative there in the Middle East from Canada reported to Project participants: “The women cannot believe we are here, or that we would come all this way to be with them. I felt so safe and loved by these beautiful people in such a treasured region.”

Oxytocin is the hormone that creates the feeling one receives after a comforting hug, or by being greeted with a delightfully infectious smile. It is also activated by a deep, cleansing, audible out-breath. This experiment ties this in with true connection and collaboration. As Master Catherine takes a deep Oxytocin breath, she states, “I am honored to be chosen as part of this process, and I will hold a space for women to journey from conflict to collaboration. To me, it’s not about a particular geography; it’s about a deeper shift that affects all of humanity.”

Master Catherine Chang is no stranger to community service. Chang’s Taekwondo America has been a leader in Merrimack Valley raising thousands of dollars for organizations such as W.I.C., Women’s recourse center, Community Action and Haverhill Public Schools Book Fund. Chang believes that the best education is an education that not only includes books and tests but one that includes action and dedication. Having been a leader for the last 10 years in

it is time to expand her knowledge of martial arts education and support the empowerment of women world-wide.

Master Catherine Chang had attended BraveHeart Women’s global annual conference in 2010 for the first time and every year after that until now. In the three day conference, a special event took place which transformed not only her in her communication with people, but it transformed every person in the room: over 500 women, including 11 Israeli women and 11 Palestinian women. Without a dry eye in the room, an abundance of unconditional love permeated the soul of every woman present. The feeling stayed for the entire weekend, with a relaxed atmosphere throughout the rest of the conference. As participants went home, they continued to live the impact it had on them as revealed in many blogs. Lives will be touched forever by the transformations in that room that Friday afternoon in October 2010.

“Taekwondo is an international organization and we are all one family it is time to spread our wings and use that power to unite for good in the world not just in our collective communities.” The Israel Taekwondo Federation will support Master Chang in her visit with BraveHeart Women is a global, internet-based organization represented in more than 80 countries, with almost a half million members. It is based in the Los Angeles area, and has a 501c3 non-profit foundation.

Oxytocin affects every aspect of social and economic life, from who we choose to make investment decisions on our behalf to how much money we donate to charity. Please take a deep Oxytocin breath and contribute to this most worthy cause. Women all over the world need us, they need us to advocate for them, to share our freedoms with them and to know that they and their children are not alone.

Catherine currently seeks funding for her participation in the peace process this October in Jerusalem. A deadline is set for October 20th. There will be a fun-raising event held on Sunday October 14th at Salvatore’s in Lawrence from 4P-8P. Light fare and cash bar. Tickets are $25.00 all proceeds will go to the BraveHeart Global Project. Master Chang will be traveling October 21st returning on October 30th.

501 (c) (3) Tax ID# is: 20-8761372 )

Master Catherine Chang: Chang’s Taekwondo America.

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