OPINION: Are Judges in MA Above the Law?

By: Atty. Gary Dolan

Question: What do you call a dishonest lawyer who’s too lazy to chase an ambulance? Answer: A judge.

Every day I watch people on television complaining about crime, open borders, and the Biden family’s shady business dealings. However, I see the government and most of the media aim their attention at Donald Trump for paying hush money, attempting to overthrow the government, and trying to cancel Christmas.

Invariably someone always says that nobody, including a former president, is above the law.

Is that really true?

Rosie Ruiz was the first female (biological) runner who crossed the finish line at the 1980 Boston Marathon. But did she win? It was later found out that Ruiz had jumped into the race about a mile before the finish line ahead of the actual woman’s division leader, Jacqueline Gareau. It was also discovered that she had taken the subway during part of the New York Marathon to achieve a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon.

It took the Boston Athletic Association only eight days to discover Ruiz’ deception and strip her of the title and award it to Gareau. The BAA set up a mock finish line at the 1981 Marathon and had Gareau break the tape to give her back a little of the glory that she had worked so hard for and what had been stolen from her. That’s at least a gallant attempt at justice.

Lance Armstrong won a record seven Tour De France bicycle races. Or did he? The Sunday Times in the UK published a story that Armstrong was using performance enhancing drugs.

Armstrong sued the paper for one million pounds and settled for three hundred thousand in 2006. When it was discovered that Armstrong was juicing, the sports columnist who wrote the story sued Armstrong and settled for an undisclosed amount in 2012.

That’s some justice, but the damage to the writer’s reputation had already been done.

I became an honest attorney (oxymoron) in October 2010 and have spent most of my time since then trying to prove that cases in this state are being fixed by dishonest lawyers and corrupt judges. I have specifically accused the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court of allowing lower court judges to get away with this. Where does one present evidence of judicial corruption and get justice?

I’ve never been given a hearing to present any evidence of the corruption since I began this crusade over eight years ago. I was ordered to pay $18k in attorney fees for making these allegations. The SJC ordered the Board of Bar Overseers to begin a secret investigation of me in December of 2019. I was formally charged in June of 2023 with making false statements against numerous lawyers and judges operating in this state. I’ve already stood trial for three days at the BBO headquarters in Boston and scheduled for another four in April.

I tried to obtain general public information on how the state court system operates on March 18 to make my defense at the BBO’s show trial. I was thrown out of the Newburyport Superior Courthouse for asking too many questions. I was arrested for trespassing by the Massachusetts State Police the next day when I tried to get back into the courthouse to finish my investigation. I spent most of the day in the state police and district court lockups before being arraigned and released on my own recognizance.

I’ve been ordered to stay away from the Lawrence, Salem, and Newburyport courthouses pending the outcome of the trespassing charge against me. This bars me from getting the information I need to defend myself at the BBO’s trial. What’s happening here is not supposed to happen outside of a third world banana republic. In this country everyone is Constitutionally guaranteed due process in the ‘halls of justice’ because no one is above the law. To paraphrase Howie Carr; ‘the only justice you might get is not in a courtroom but out in the halls and 2% of the judges in this state are trying to give the other 98% a good name’.

Obviously, judges are above the law until they get caught AND tried in the court of public opinion. Otherwise, any corruption in a judicial system will continue to spread and grow like a malignant cancer.

Apathy is a crooked judge’s best friend. Please help me expose this disease by logging on to massbbo.org on the morning of April 5, click on View Calendar, and then my name for a livestream to my professional flogging. Or come to the Newburyport District court at 8:30 and watch me fight a bogus trespass charge. Bear witness to the evidence I have to prove my allegations or watch the SJC finally silence me once and for all. ◊