REP. HAMILTON: A New Hope for Whittier Tech.

By: State Rep. Ryan Hamilton – 4/24

After the ballot question to build a new Whittier Technical High School was soundly defeated a few months ago, the school’s future was uncertain. As somebody who has toured the campus multiple times, we need a new school or a total renovation. The current status quo at Whittier is not sustainable for the next generation of students looking for a technical education.

This past week, we received news from the Healy-Driscoll administration that a light might be at the end of the tunnel. The administration has partnered with Northern Essex Community College to explore a possible shared campus model for Whittier Tech and Northern Essex.

The administration, in their press release, summarized the partnership as “NECC and WT will explore ways to create a new, modern facility for Whittier Tech, allow for expanded access to postsecondary education across northeastern Massachusetts, and increase enrollment capacity at both institutions and make them more affordable. It will also open up new avenues for potential additional funding sources beyond cities and towns in the Merrimack Valley.”

First off, I’d like to thank the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Lane Glenn, President of Northern Essex Community College, for exploring this outside-the-box opportunity as a way to solve the Whittier Tech problem. I think we can all agree that Whittier Tech plays a vital role in the economy and workforce development of the Merrimack Valley.

In this day and age where we need to open up more opportunities for students to have the ability to pursue a technical education, Northern Essex Community College in the Healey-Driscoll administration has answered the call.
My official quote on the topic of Whittier and Northern Essex is below.

“Partnerships between our vocational schools and community colleges are crucial for connecting our young people with the training and education they need to thrive in the workforce. I am thrilled to see two Merrimack Valley institutions unite to address a tough situation with creativity and collaboration. Thank you to the Healey-Driscoll Administration for fostering a regional solution that centers our students, educators, and diverse community needs.”

In the following months, Valley Patriot, I will detail the House Budget which should be released sometime during April. I will highlight the funding the House appropriates for the 15th Essex District. I will also introduce my new legislative aid to the readers of the Valley Patriot.

I want to congratulate my current legislative aid, Emily Kibbe, on taking a position with the Massachusetts AFL-CIO.

Emily has done a fantastic job working with me to help everyone in the 15th Essex. I wish her the best as she moves on to her next exciting opportunity.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact my office with any ideas, concerns, or questions at or 617-722-2090. ◊