State Committee Retires Republican Relic Ron Kaufman ~ EYE ON DRACUT

By: Brian Genest – 4-24

So long, Ron Kaufman! After decades and decades and decades and another half decade, Massachusetts finally has a new Republican National Committeeman, thankfully. But let’s not be insensitive, after all, Ron Kaufman was retired due to health reasons: The members of the State Committee got sick of him. And it wasn’t a moment too soon.

Politico reported on the April 6 meeting of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee this way: “Ron Kaufman, a former treasurer for the Republican National Committee, was upset by Brad Wyatt, a longtime activist with Tea Party roots, in a narrow 37-35 vote taken at a Republican State Committee meeting on Saturday in the Boston suburb [Burlington]. In rejecting Kaufman’s bid for another term, Massachusetts GOP activists ousted a veteran Republican power player and lobbyist who has long divided his time between his native Quincy and Washington, D.C. Kaufman advised Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential bid and made his name in politics working for George H.W. Bush.”

In other words, Ron Kaufman has been keeping the seat warm at the Republican National Committee for the length of the Bible. Not only was he shown the door, Ron Kaufman was ousted from his post as a national committeeman while serving as the general chair of the upcoming Republican National Convention. He was also supposed to serve as chair of the 2028 convention. Whoopsie.

Anyway, if you wonder why Massachusetts Republicans are in a rut, look no further than Ron Kaufman. He’s had his snout in Republican politics since the Stone Age, but the MassGOP has little to show for it when it comes to winning elections.

Brad Wyatt, on the other hand, has been working hard to help Republicans in Massachusetts and across the country win local and state elections. He’s an absolute genius when it comes to voter data and targeting. He’s the energetic, brilliant, and long overdue change we’ve so desperately needed in the MassGOP and on the Republican National Committee.

Four years ago, in their previous matchup, Lord Kaufman defeated Wyatt, thanks to his establishment friends on the Republican State Committee who continued to re-elect the political relic. But with the exodus of those members, many who were supporters of former Gov. Charlie Baker, Ron Kaufman couldn’t hang onto the throne any longer, thankfully.

Before that vote in 2020, I researched Ron Kaufman’s tenure. That’s not something we’re supposed to discuss, apparently. Ron Kaufman had no response when I asked him questions related to his employment as a senior advisor for public policy and regulation at a large global law firm and some other things, based on my web searches:

How do you explain your appearance, comments, and participation in the discussion to derail Donald Trump’s candidacy for president on Showtime’s documentary, The Circus? (Episode: “Trump GOP Nomination Terrifies the Republican Establishment”)

How do you respond to this op/ed piece in The Lowell Sun and the Fitchburg Sentinel and Enterprise claiming your record of failing to elect Republicans in our state is the worst of any National Committeeman in the history of our party since its founding?
Do you provide services to or lobby on behalf of any Chinese businesses, government agencies or other foreign entities? On whose behalf are these services provided? What is your compensation?
What was your involvement with Citgo, Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan government, and how much money did you make as a result?

What kind of responsibility do you take for Lawrence, Lowell, Framingham and other cities and towns across Massachusetts that are flooded with drugs?
While Kaufman clammed up, some of his besties on the state committee at that time had plenty to say. They didn’t answer any of the questions, of course. Instead, they deflected and dismissed.
Nothing offends the sensibilities of the ruling class like questioning their ruler. The only thing some members of the Republican party’s deliberative body can’t stand more than deliberating is someone asking questions about one of their protected pals. And you can forget about getting any answers, except from Google.

Anyway, now, Ron Kaufman’s off to the political ash heap, thankfully, just like the chewed-up ends of the old stale cigars smoked by the good ol’ boys on K Street.

Brian Genest is a member of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee representing the First Middlesex district of Dracut, Lowell, Tyngsboro, Dunstable, and Pepperell. ◊







