Democrats: Take Credit Where Credit is Due!

Democrats: Take Credit Where Credit is Due!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL     In 2007, during George Bush’s term of office, the Democrats took over both houses of Congress controlling a majority in both chambers. On January 3, 2007, the day that happened, the Dow Jones averages closed at 12,621, the GDP for the previous quarter was up 3.5% over a year earlier […]

There is no Government Santa Claus

There is no Government Santa Claus

  By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2011 There is a school of thought among psychiatrists that liberals suffer from a severe case of arrested development. The theory is that their parents routinely rewarded their temper tantrums by giving them whatever they demanded. Anything to make them shut up. I can certainly sympathize with their […]

The Government Healthcare Tar Baby (Opinion)

The Government Healthcare Tar Baby (Opinion)

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Charles Ormsby – September, 2009 Having consulted with their constituents over the August recess, our elected representatives will be heading back to Washington fully intending to ignore what they were told. Their meetings with voters ranged from respectful (Niki Tsongas) to downright contemptuous (Barney Frank) to non-existent (John Tierney). Presumably, […]