Graham Pledges to Make Trump Ambassador to Mexico: “We have a problem with Hispanics for a reason”

Graham Pledges to Make Trump Ambassador to Mexico: “We have a problem with Hispanics for a reason”

South Carolina Senator and candidate for president, Lindsey Graham toured the Granite State indoor Range in Hudson, NH. Valley Patriot polisher Tom Duggan and writer Christine Morabito attended the event and interviewed Graham after a few rounds of shooting. Also present was Gina Marini of NH1 TV. Gina Marini: What is your game plan for […]

Who Has the REAL Koch Problem?

By: Christine Morabito – August, 2014 Psychiatry has a word for the practice of accusing others of something you yourself do. The word is “projection.” According to, projection is a “defense mechanism whereby unenviable or unpleasant traits, impulses or ideas are attributed to another. In this way, the projector is able to avoid the […]