DOWNLOAD PDF OF THE OCT EDITION By: Tom Duggan, Valley Patriot Publisher|Oct. 2016 This year it has become painfully obvious to most objective news watchers that those who control the news media are more concerned with spreading falsehoods and rumors about the candidates for president than just reporting the news as it is. From CNN’s […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2013 At issue was Attorney Richard D’Agostino, who was applying to replace McQuillan as city solicitor after the council voted not to renew McQuillan’s contract. While D’Agostino was being questioned at a public hearing, McQuillan was feeding questions and damaging information to Councilor Atkinson in an attempt to stop D’Agostino from […]
December, 2012 North Andover School Superintendent Christopher Hottel handed The Valley Patriot a bill for $7,099 to fill a freedom of information request last month. The Valley Patriot had requested copies of all emails, sent and received by members of the school committee and the superintendent covering a 30 day period just prior to and […]