PODCAST State Senate Debate with Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives & Jessica Finocchiaro – Paying Attention Radio Program with Tom Duggan (8-16-14)

PODCAST State Senate Debate with Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives & Jessica Finocchiaro – Paying Attention Radio Program with Tom Duggan (8-16-14)

Paying Attention is hosted by Tom Duggan, Co-host Paul Murano and is produced by Chris Poublon. Paying Attention and airs on 980WCAP in Lowell on Saturday’s from 10am to noon. 1st Essex Senate Debate CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD DEBATE  SEGMENT 1 Senator Katheen O’Connor Ives and Jessica Finocchiaro begin their debate talking about what it means to […]

Lawrence Uses Education Funds for Inaugural Party

Lawrence Uses Education Funds for Inaugural Party

  By: Tom Duggan – March 2006 While suburban cities and towns like North Andover are cutting their teaching staff and eliminating art and music programs due to lack of funding, Wilfredo Laboy and the Lawrence School Committee have chosen to use state education dollars for out of state travel conferences (to the tune of $4,000) […]