The saga of the attempted recall of Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera got more complicated Friday as a Lawrence Superior Court Judge put a stop to all recall activity ordering the Lawrence Board of Registrars to hold a hearing on signatures collected on an affidavit. SEE RULING>> DOC091715-09172015142844 Recall supporters who wish to remove Rivera from office […]
Massachusetts Legislators, members of the media and 1st amendment advocates testified last month before a joint House and Senate committee on Beacon Hill, asking legislators to add penalties to the state’s fake public records law. The law, MGL Ch. 66, states that the keeper of records in any municipality or public agency must turn over public […]
By Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives The Massachusetts State Senate has formed a special committee to study drug addiction and treatment options in Massachusetts and aims to address an epidemic of opiate addiction in the state. In response to rising levels of drug addiction, the committee plans to review current treatment options and will make recommendations […]
On March 2, 2006, Judge Peter C. Digangi issued a temporary restraining order denying Kevin Thompson his first amendment rights to distribute or discuss his recently released book titled, “Exposing the Corruption in the Massachusetts Family Courts.” A hearing on this matter is scheduled for Friday, March 10, 2006, at 8:30 AM in Salem Probate […]