The Earth is But One Country

The Earth is But One Country

Ye Gay Old Valley  By: Dani Langevin, Lesbian Columnist May, 2012  “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.” This message struck me as simple and true, but one that is lost to present day greed and sectionalism. I am taking a course on the religions of the world and was introduced to […]

Gay Writers of the Valley

Ye Gay Old Valley   By: Dani Langiven, Lesbian Columnist – August, 2010 I thought I’d step away from my political ranting and introduce you to two members of the valley’s gay community who are also writers. Brian Tessier is a 44-year-old attorney and single father of two adopted boys, aged 4 and 8. Tessier […]

Breaking Ground: A new voice in The Valley!

Valley Patriot Lesbian Columnist By Dani Langevin – May, 2010 Yes, Virginia, there is a gay community in the Valley. There are mothers and fathers, teachers, lawyers, dog groomers, firefighters, policemen and women, mail carriers, hairdressers, custodians, lab technicians, veterans, and every other vocation under the sun. Just like the rest of the world, they […]