Car Thefts Rise in Lawrence: There is a solution

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL March, 2011   Since Lawrence Police Chief John Romero formed the Auto Theft/Auto Fraud Task Force under Mayor Michael Sullivan, residents of Lawrence have seen a decrease in their auto insurance rates. But, according to numbers release by Lawrence City Councilor Mark LaPlante: auto thefts in Lawrence have increased 114% since Lawrence […]

LaPlante Calls on Court to Impose Max. Sentence on Repeat Scofflaw Who is Back on the Street

  By: Tom Duggan – September, 2010 LAWRENCE, MA, August 14, 2010: In an unprecedented action, Lawrence City Councilor Marc L. Laplante calls on the Lawrence District Court to “throw the book” at Victor Delgado, who Lawrence Police call “Lawrence’s number one car breaker” in Delgado’s upcoming trial. Delgado, 79 Haverhill Street, was released on […]

Business as usual

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua has brought nothing but chaos and has no plan By:  Robert O’Koniewski, Esq. – July, 2010 When Mayor William Lantigua took over city government in January, he promised a break from the business as usual that we have seen under all previous administrations. His rhetoric may have been lofty, but it belied the […]

Fix the Lawrence Fountain NOW!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   September, 2006 For years the people of Lawrence and visitors to the city have enjoyed the majesty of a giant fountain at the corner of South Union St. and Winthrop Avenue. And for years the DPW has neglected to adequately fix up that fountain when it fell into disrepair.  Now DPW […]