Reyes Demands Lantgua Pay Back School Funds

  By; Tom Duggan – May, 2011   Lawrence School Committeeman Sammy Reyes (District D) has written a scathing letter to the city council demanding that education funds (which were used for city services) be repaid to the school children of Lawrence. In his letter, Reyes threatens to turn in the Lantigua administration for misappropriation […]

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua Accused

Educator Says Mayor has Conflicts of Interest, Lack of Leadership    By: Tom Duggan, April, 2010 According to Essex County District Attorney Jon Blodgett’s indictment of Lawrence School Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy, Mayor Willie Lantigua’s State Rep. campaign received materials printed at the Lawrence Public Schools in 2007. Now Lantigua will preside over hearings to fire […]