Our Celebration is Really All About You… The Story That Never Made Print!

Our Celebration is Really All About You… The Story That Never Made Print!

People frequently ask me, “What is the ‘secret’ of your success?” While I could never boil down to one single reason, I have made no secret of the fact that teamwork is the biggest reason this little engine continues to defy the odds, chugging uphill, every single month. Our readers provide the majority of our […]

EDITORIAL: Still No Investigation, No Answers on Jamie Atkinson Scandal

EDITORIAL: Still No Investigation, No Answers on Jamie Atkinson Scandal

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2013 At issue was Attorney Richard D’Agostino, who was applying to replace McQuillan as city solicitor after the council voted not to renew McQuillan’s contract. While D’Agostino was being questioned at a public hearing, McQuillan was feeding questions and damaging information to Councilor Atkinson in an attempt to stop D’Agostino from […]