Wood Drops Out of Haverhill Mayor’s Race


Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood has called an end to his campaign for mayor today saying that staying in the race at this point will only “escalate the negativity, divisive rhetoric, and false allegations that have marred our campaign.”

Here is Wood’s Full Statement:

After a hard-fought campaign filled with challenges and divisive tactics, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the voters of Haverhill who nominated me as a finalist for the position of Mayor. Your trust and support have meant the world to me.

However, with a heavy heart and deep consideration for the future of our city, I have made the difficult decision to withdraw my candidacy from the mayoral race. This decision has not been taken lightly, but it is one made with the utmost concern for the well-being and unity of our community.

I believe in my vision of an affordable and inclusive Haverhill and the qualifications I bring to the table. Nevertheless, it has become apparent that continuing in this race would only escalate the negativity, divisive rhetoric, and false allegations that have marred our campaign. The issues that matter most to our residents deserve thoughtful and constructive discussions, not further polarization.

I refuse to let the city I hold dear suffer the consequences of such a toxic atmosphere. I am determined to put a stop to this damaging precedent that has emerged during this campaign.

I look forward to addressing and clearing my name from the baseless accusations and falsehoods that have circulated. My commitment to Haverhill has never wavered, and it never will.

Having had the privilege of being the youngest elected official in Haverhill’s history and serving for two decades, I can say that it has been the honor of a lifetime. This may be a farewell to the mayoral race, but it is certainly not a goodbye to the community I cherish.

I promise you, this is not the end. This is a “see you later,”