Voter Fraud Discovered in Lawrence

  By: Jamison Tomasek – August, 2011 When the discussion turns to voting in Lawrence, there are many stories of irregularities. Some are firsthand, many are secondhand and some are just speculation. This is a story of hard evidence. This article will show you that the Election Division of the City Clerk’s Office in Lawrence […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  August, 2o11 The number of underhanded tactics employed by Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua and his supporters against the efforts to gather signatures for his recall were staggering. And they weren’t shy about it. They even bragged about it on Facebook. On the pro- Lantigua webpage Yo No Firma (which means DO NOT SIGN), Lantigua supporters attacked […]

Turner & Nason: Together Again!

Turner & Nason: Together Again!

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – August, 2011 What exactly is Moonlight Productions and how did they ever produce such a moving theatrical production in Georgetown this summer? Impossible to answer in just a few paragraphs… Director and lead actor JT Turner, together again with music director Sandi Nason guided 42 actors and actresses (children, […]

Changes to the CPA in Dracut

  By: Kathy Richardson – August, 2011 To those who know Dracut, it brings to mind beautiful farms, rock walls, a rich Yankee heritage and a community that stood tall and strong after the tragedy of 9/11. Dracut is a strong and generous town which holds its rural character dear. The history of this farming […]

Manzi Signs Letter on Debt

Manzi Signs Letter on Debt

  From the desk of Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi –  August – 2011 A Letter to the President and Congress was signed by Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi and other area mayors here is that letter: Dear President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Reid, House Speaker Boehner, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, and House Minorty Leader Pelosi: Now […]

Recall Begins Against Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua

Recall Begins Against Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua

  By: Tom Duggan – July, 2011   During the late 80’s, former Lawrence Mayor Kevin Sullivan tried to orchestrate a recall election against two members of the Lawrence School Committee who opposed his Emerson College relocation plan. That effort, backed with money, resources and the help of the daily newspaper, failed. In the early 90’s, former Lawrence Mayor Larry Lefebre lost a […]

Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins’ Excuses Are Not Good Enough!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2012 Last month, The Valley Patriot criticized Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins for his failure to notify the public of an escape from the Lawrence jail on Marston Street (known as “the farm”). After our editorial was published, we were contacted by Paul Fleming, the sheriff’s press director, stating that we were “wrong” and that they […]

DiZoglio Discusses Voter ID

  By: Diana Dizoglio – July, 2012   About a year ago, I wrote an article regarding civic engagement and community involvement. The article was inspired out of my encounter with a group of high school honor students from the Merrimack Valley. In the piece, I discussed the lack of understanding that the students seemed […]

Laplante goes on police ride along: encouages councilors to do same

Laplante goes on police ride along: encouages councilors to do same

  By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011   Lawrence City Councilor Mark LaPlante (District F) has been one of the more outspoken supporters of the Lawrence police. Last month LaPlante went on two police ride-alongs with Lawrence Police and it’s an experience he says all members of the city council could benefit from. “We are […]

Marine Recruiters Say They Get Shabby Treatment at High School

Marine Recruiters Say They Get Shabby Treatment at High School

Superintendent Reaches out to Marines, says they will be treated respectfully   By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011 Sgt Cardona the Marine Recruiter in Lawrence and a number of past recruiters have long complained that the faculty at North Andover High School are not only uncooperative when they enter the building to recruit, “but there’s […]