Redistricting After the Census and its Local Affects

Redistricting After the Census and its Local Affects

After the release of the U.S. Decennial Census, Massachusetts is mandated by the United States Constitution and Federal Voting Rights Act to change its House, Senate, Governor’s Council and Congressional district boundaries to accommodate shifts in population and provide equal representation to its citizens. Census data show that Massachusetts’ population growth over the last decade […]

Student Mental Health Must Be a Legislative Priority

Student Mental Health Must Be a Legislative Priority

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – Nov. 2021 It is time to get serious about mental health services for our students. Even for years before the pandemic, we saw a concerning rise in stress, anxiety, and depression among young people. COVID-19 only made things worse. Last year, many Massachusetts emergency rooms saw 4 times […]

Sounding the Alarm for Combined Sewer Overflows

Sounding the Alarm for Combined Sewer Overflows

  By:Rep. Linda Dean Campbell This summer, our Commonwealth experienced the rainiest July on record in at least a century. The climate report recently released by the United Nations predicts that average precipitation in our region will continue to increase as climate change worsens. In the Merrimack Valley, we know all too well what more […]

Pearlstein Ignored Leadership Failures and Faulty Government Systems in Holyoke Nursing Home Tragedy

Pearlstein Ignored Leadership Failures and Faulty Government Systems in Holyoke Nursing Home Tragedy

By: Linda Dean Campbell – Aug. 2021 In May, a special committee formed by the Massachusetts Legislature released the report on its investigation of the COVID-19 outbreak at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home that resulted in 77 deaths. The report by the Special Joint Oversight Committee, which we chair, is most notable for taking the opposite […]

Support for Our Community The House Budget

Support for Our Community The House Budget

By: State Rep. Linda Campbell We are very fortunate to have a strong and experienced team of legislators in the Merrimack Valley House delegation. With the support of my colleagues, I was proud to secure state funding in the House budget for several specific needs in the Merrimack Valley, including: • $50,000 for addiction recovery […]

Governor Baker Scapegoats Hero Marine – Protects Political Insiders

Governor Baker Scapegoats Hero Marine – Protects Political Insiders

How Rich People of Privilege Set Up a Hero Marine From Lawrence By: Tom Duggan – June, 2021 Veterans and politicians in Massachusetts are demanding answers and an apology for Purple Heart recipient Francisco Urena, the former Secretary of Veterans Services for the Commonwealth, after a legislative report and a Boston Globe expose proved he […]

The Holyoke Tragedy: Demand Accountability

The Holyoke Tragedy: Demand Accountability

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – June, 2021 The Special Joint Oversight Committee charged with investigating the COVID-19 related deaths of veterans at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home released a comprehensive report in late May outlining both the immediate and underlying causes of this tragedy. The committee, which I co-chaired with a fellow veteran, Senator […]

Some Legislation I Am Filing This Session

Some Legislation I Am Filing This Session

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – May, 2021 The Massachusetts House of Representatives is in high gear working on newly filed legislation and passing a state budget. I have filed new bills this session pertaining to the environment, public safety, substance abuse prevention, mental health, Veterans, our National Guard, and more. One issue I […]

State Support for Local Businesses

State Support for Local Businesses

By: Rep. Linda Dean Campbell The Massachusetts House of Representatives passed numerous bills last year to support small businesses and hard-hit industries like our restaurants. We have continued that work by sending to Governor Baker’s desk a financial relief bill to help businesses and employees most affected by the pandemic. The bill, which passed the […]

Commonwealth Responds to Methuen’s Request for Increase in Federal Aid

Commonwealth Responds to Methuen’s Request for Increase in Federal Aid

3-26-21 Methuen Mayor Neil  Perry said on Friday that he is grateful for the broad support Methuen has received from congress and the local delegation that resulted in Governor Charlie Baker’s announcement this morning that an additional 100 million dollars in aid will be distributed between Methuen, Everett, Chelsea, and Randolph. While these four cities were […]

State Legislature Extended 2020 Session to Get More Done During Pandemic

State Legislature Extended 2020 Session to Get More Done During Pandemic

By: Linda Dean Campbell The State Legislature extended its two-year session past the usual July 31st end date in order to continue legislating during the pandemic. While we have accomplished a great deal, so much remains to be done to continue state funding of critical services related to the pandemic, pass important legislation, support cities […]

Methuen Mayor Announces MASSWORKS Grant

Methuen Mayor Announces MASSWORKS Grant

Methuen Mayor Neil Perry is pleased to announce that the City has received state funding to further enhance the economic development of the downtown area by improving the transportation and parking infrastructure on Charles and Lawrence Streets. Gov. Charlie Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito and Secretary Mike Kenneally of the Executive Office of Housing and […]

House Passes Balanced Budget: State Grants Coming to Merrimack Valley

House Passes Balanced Budget: State Grants Coming to Merrimack Valley

By: Rep. Linda Dean Campbell As we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, there remains a tremendous need for food assistance in Massachusetts, as our economy has been particularly hard hit and unemployment numbers are through the roof. If you are in need of food assistance, the Project Bread Hotline can connect you to […]

Methuen Mayor Neil Perry’s Monthly Column ~ Covid, the Holiday’s, and the City’s Finances

Methuen Mayor Neil Perry’s Monthly Column ~ Covid, the Holiday’s, and the City’s Finances

November, 2020 By the time you read this article, the presidential election will be finished, hopefully. Regardless of who you supported, and whether that candidate won or not, here’s hoping we can learn to dialogue respectfully about our issues, and work towards improving our city, state and even our country. Know that if you are […]

Important Voting Information for the 2020 General Election

Important Voting Information for the 2020 General Election

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – Oct. 2020 The 2020 general election is fast approaching, with November 3 as the last day to vote. The State Legislature has passed a law to give citizens options to vote safely and securely during the pandemic, including (1) voting by mail, (2) voting in person at an […]