By: Alex Talcott, April 17, 2015 (Expected 2016 presidential candidate Carly Fiorina was chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Company from 1999-2005 after positions at AT&T and Lucent Technologies. She was the 2010 Republican U.S. Senate nominee in California and now resides in Virginia. Since 2014, the Unlocking Potential Project has been her primary political cause, […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2009 Less than a week ago, the world’s news outlets were filled with the sights and sounds of heroic Iranian citizens risking, and in many cases losing, their lives for freedom. Their government, intent upon perpetuating a seventh century philosophy that denies basic human liberties, had hijacked an election and then proceeded to brutally suppress the resulting protest […]
By: Chuck Ormsby – March, 2005 NORTH ANDOVER-The Eaton family has a proud history of serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. When Ted Eaton was in his early teens, he had three brothers who signed up for duty in WW II (John and Lindy in the Army, and Frank in the Navy). In the summer […]