No Russian Collusion, No Obstruction, Media Continues to Lie ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (04-19)

No Russian Collusion, No Obstruction, Media Continues to Lie ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (04-19)

April, 2019 For three years, the mainstream “news” media and their masters in the democrat party thumped their chests and propagated the lie that President Donald Trump was a secret Russian spy for Vladimir Putin who literally stole the election from their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton. They told us Russia “hacked the election” which is […]

Censorship Radio, 980WCAP Station Owner Silences Conservative Talk

Censorship Radio, 980WCAP Station Owner Silences Conservative Talk

Conservative radio talk show host John MacDonald walked out of his show, live, on the air Tuesday morning, after the 980WCAP radio station owner, Sam Poulten, “invaded” the program to ‘redirect’ the on-air conversation about Hillary Clinton’s emails and give the Clinton party line on what the host was discussing with his guest, Republican, Mary Burns. […]

How the Media Spins Political Gaffes

How the Media Spins Political Gaffes

  By: Jeff Katz – July, 2011 Recently, we’ve heard a lot about presidential candidates and gaffes. Sarah Palin stated that Paul Revere warned the British that the British were coming.  After she was roundly ridiculed by the usual high and mighty types, a number of noteworthy historians pointed out that her explanation was absolutely correct. Not only had America’s most famous silversmith […]