From the VAURA Patriot – Alex Talcott’s Political Notebook

* Go to hell or off fiscal cliff?: ABC News reporter Sunlen Miller, who has the U.S. Senate beat, noted on New Year’s Eve the debate-opening prayer of Senate Chaplain Barry Black: “Lift them from the darkness of hopelessness.” Amen. But aw heck—a public records search shows that in addition to cushy federal benefits, we […]

Alex Talcott First to Pull Nomination Papers for 2011 Amesbury Elections

Alex Talcott First to Pull Nomination Papers for 2011 Amesbury Elections

  May, 2011 Amesbury, MA — Minutes before 8:00 a.m., Amesbury resident Alex Talcott requested and obtained nomination papers from the Amesbury Town Clerk, becoming the first person to do so on the first day papers were available for the fall municipal elections. Talcott, a consulting entrepreneur and attorney by trade, is considering opportunities to […]