VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: We Miss the Old Patrick Blanchette

March, 2007  When Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette first took office, he was honestly interested in making a positive difference in the city. He asked fair questions, exposed wasteful spending, looked at each issue objectively, advocated for better relations with both the mayor’s office and the public, and fought for his constituents regardless of […]

Perry Registers Car in New Hampshire

Perry Registers Car in New Hampshire

By: Tom Duggan – March, 2007 North Andover School Committee Chairman Al Perry has been seen driving around town in a new 2007 Cadillac Escalade with New Hampshire license plates. This week he admitted that he registered his new car in the state of New Hampshire, explaining that, “after March, I plan to spend much […]

Methuen’s Police Chief Joe Solomon Speaks Out

Methuen’s Police Chief Joe Solomon Speaks Out

Defends Grant Spending, Says Eagle~Tribune Attacks on Him and Dept. Motivated by “Racism Against Arab-Americans”      By: Tom Duggan – February, 2007 Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon said in an exclusive interview with The Valley Patriot this week that federal grant money from the Department of Justice for thecity’s Weed & Seed program was spent legally […]

Lawrence Council President Blanchette Called “Dangerous”

Lawrence Council President Blanchette Called “Dangerous”

  By: Tom Duggan – January 2007  Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette has been on a mission for the last few months. His mission: create a firestorm around Budget and Finance Director John Griffin so that he either quits or gets fired, create a firestorm around Caroline Ganley (who has left) and Planning Director […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

December, 2006  Last month, Methuen city councilors tried to inject themselves into the so-called controversy between Police Chief Joe Solomon and the officers and union members under his command.  What’s more, they tried to subvert the Methuen City Charter by interfering with Mayor Bill Manzi’s clearly defined duties as the chief executive officer of the […]

Group Asks Ed. Commissioner to Investigate Andover Teacher for “Blatant Jew Hatred”

Classroom Credit to Support Terrorism?      Ron Francis is an Andover High School teacher, co-chair of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party, leader in the Somerville Divestment Project and, as some in thecommunity would argue, is “anti-Semitic.”  “Ron Francis’ politics, statements and actions are anti-Semitic,” says Eric Danis, a graduate of Andover High School. “Both his […]

Father’s Priorities are Out of Wack There’s a New Greg Hyatt in Town

Father’s Priorities are Out of Wack There’s a New Greg Hyatt in Town

May, 2006 There used to be a well-known guy from Methuen named Greg Hyatt – he who would cry about conspiracies, the corrupt court system, and how everyone was wrong but him. He had a Web site where he would slander and vilify people he did not like, blaming everyone but himself for his problems. […]

Lawrence Uses Education Funds for Inaugural Party

Lawrence Uses Education Funds for Inaugural Party

  By: Tom Duggan – March 2006 While suburban cities and towns like North Andover are cutting their teaching staff and eliminating art and music programs due to lack of funding, Wilfredo Laboy and the Lawrence School Committee have chosen to use state education dollars for out of state travel conferences (to the tune of $4,000) […]

Laboy Endorses School Committeeman for City Council

Laboy Endorses School Committeeman for City Council

PAYING ATTENTION EXTRA Larger than expected crowd turns out for Jorge Gonzalez By: Tom Duggan – August 25, 2005 Lawrence School Committee member Jorge Gonzalez now enjoys the unique distinction of being the only candidate for any office in Lawrence to have been publicly endorsed by the Superintendent of Schools. Last Thursday Gonzalez, (who is in […]

The Lawrence City Council, When Privilege is Better Than Pay

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – August 25, 2005  Lawrence City Councilor Marie Gosselin is always complaining about the “measly $97 a week” she gets paid for being a City Councilor. And she is right, of course. Lawrence School Committee members and City Councilors should be paid more for the amount of […]

Racism and Targeting in Lawrence – Commissioner Roger Twomey Answers Allegations

Racism and Targeting in Lawrence – Commissioner  Roger Twomey Answers Allegations

“I believe that the only way Willie Lantigua can get political power is to control people who truly don’t know what is going on. He constantly stirs the pot of hate for his own political maneuvering. He doesn’t really seem to care who he hurts in the process, either.” ~Lawrence Licensing Commissioner Roger Twomey. By: […]

State Rep. Willie Lantigua’s True Color: GREEN!

State Rep. Willie Lantigua’s True Color: GREEN!

  June, 2005 Lawrence State Representative Willie Lantigua has betrayed the Latino people of Lawrence. He has been playing a dangerous game of race baiting and making racial slurs for far too long, and it is about time someone called him to task for his shenanigans. Lantigua has deliberately misinformed his Dominican constituency about Licensing […]

Firefighter Heroes – Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

January, 2005 Even if we accept that everything Judy Brito says is true, Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan is absolutely right when he says that most firefighters in the city of Lawrence are honest, decent, hard-working individuals. They are the men and women who go out and respond to the cries for help from innocent victims […]

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2004  I became hooked on politics in High School in the early ‘60s. My favorite bumper sticker was in support of Communist China. It read: “Admit Red China to the U.N. – Give Them Our Seat”. I’d suggest such a trade today, but I think every despotic regime is […]