We are Lawrence?

We are Lawrence?

  By: Peter Larocque – April, 2012 The response to an article in March’s Boston Magazine entitled, “Lawrence, MA: City of the Damned” by city politicians and community activist young and old has me scratching my head. I do understand some of their reasoning, but in the end it is just more of the same, […]

15% of N.A. Voters Choose New Town Officials

By: Tom Duggan – April 2012 Less than 16% of the Town’s registered voters bothered to go to the polls last month and cast a ballot for Selectman, Town Moderator, School Committee and Housing Authority. With only 3,053 in town caring to participate in the election, long time political activist Mark DiSalvo defeated political newcomer […]

Message to Tea Party: Scott Brown is NOT the Enemy

It’s time to stop circling the wagons and shooting IN Christine Morabito – April, 2012 The Tea Party’s relationship with U.S. Senator Scott Brown has been dysfunctional at best.  In February, leaders from 7 Massachusetts Tea Parties sat down with Brown’s staff to establish an open dialogue and express concerns about his voting record. Despite […]

The Gay Terrorist – YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

By: Dani Langevin – April, 2012 Army specialist Bradley Manning was arrested on May 29, 2010 for downloading and sending thousands of sensitive military reports related to missions in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks, a website known for divulging classified information. Upon his arrest, Manning was charged with 22 counts which include indirectly aiding the […]

Standing up for Victims of Murder

April, 2012 The Merrimack Valley Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children, (POMC) invites you to the 4th Annual Candlelight Vigil on April 23, 2012, in recognition of National Crime Victim’s Rights Week. This year’s theme, Extending the Vision: Reaching Every Victim” and the theme colors are blue and black. The event opens at the Lowell […]

Lawrence’s Public Schools Takeover Unconstitutional?

By: Peter Larocque – March, 2012 The way the Massachusetts Law that allowed Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester to Takeover Lawrence’s Public Schools is being implemented could be Unconstitutional! According to this law, the Commissioner shall appoint a Receiver to a School District that has been declared chronically underperforming by the State Board of Elementary and […]