THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – Jan. 2016 On Tuesday, February 9th, New Hampshire will hold its presidential primary election to determine the New Hampshire delegates to the Republican National Convention. Massachusetts holds its primary on March 1st (Super Tuesday) along with eleven other states. So, Republican voters in New Hampshire and […]
By: Christine Morabito – May, 2014 Despite a federal law intended to fix the injustice, U.S. servicemen and women remain the most disenfranchised group in this country. The Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE) was passed by Congress in 2009 and signed into law by President Obama. The most important provision requires states to […]
By: Christine Morabito – January 2014 Raising the minimum wage – sounds like a good idea. Fair? Compassionate? Would you feel differently if you knew it would hurt the very people it claims to help? If you were to peek behind the curtain, you might see your favorite politician in the warm embrace of the […]
By: Christine Morabito – October, 2013 I used to think government censorship of free speech only occurred in countries run by intolerant dictators. That was before I watched the uncensored version of what is now considered the most controversial mini-series in television history, “The Path to 9/11.” The five-hour ABC docudrama, starring Donnie Wahlberg, Harvey Keitel […]
By: Christine Morabito – September, 2013 When San Diego Mayor, Bob Filner was accused of sexually harassing nearly 20 women, he quickly announced he was admitting himself into a two-week therapy program. When Washington, D.C. Mayor, Marion Barry was caught on videotape smoking crack cocaine and then lied to a grand jury, he belligerently claimed […]
By: Christine Morabito – August, 2013 In the words of the late Woody Guthrie, “Some men rob you with a six-gun – others rob you with a fountain pen.” The most powerful politicians in Massachusetts don’t work for us — they work for the labor unions. Our lawmakers sold their souls to organized labor, and […]
By: Stephanie M. Davis – July, 2013 The FY2014 budget ball now sits in Governor Deval Patrick’s court. Having been finalized and reported out of its legislative conference committee on June 30th, the governor has 10 days to approve or veto it either partially or entirely or to amend it in portions. A veto can […]
As a former zookeeper and environmental educator, I understand the delicate balance required to sustain any ecosystem. The story of the rat-like nutria, Myocastor coypus, and its invasion of New Orleans, is a perfect example of how humans, convinced they know better, can make a major mess of things. A mere 20 of these 12-pound […]
By: Christine Morabito, President of the Gr. Boston Tea Party We have seen our worst enemies, and they are among us. The Tea Party will not survive without a thorough self-examination. No need to re-brand, change our name or repackage our message. The solution is simple – we must return to our roots. As […]
By: Christine Morabito – April 2013 Please join the Tea Party and other liberty-minded groups as we gather on the Boston Common April 13. The Parkman Bandstand will be rocking with live music from starting at noon from People’s Blowback, and then a variety of speakers from 1-3 p.m. The theme is “Unburdening the […]
Prediction: Massachusetts lawmakers will be consulting their tattered playbooks to make a 50 cent tax increase on cigarettes more palatable. Every time this increase is proposed, politicians declare the new revenue is for the children, who will benefit from smoking prevention and smoking cessation programs. When it comes to funding such programs, states have a […]
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” — Plato The Greater Boston Tea Party and Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance invite you to attend American Majority’s New Leaders Campaign Training This training is for all who are interested in learining how to change their communities […]
By: Christine Morabito, President Gr. Boston Tea Party – February 2013 Governor Deval Patrick claims his budget for fiscal year 2014 promises “a better Commonwealth for the next generation.” – That is, if they can afford to live here. On January 16, the Patrick administration introduced “The Way Forward,” an ambitious proposal to tax the […]
By: John LaHoud – January 2013 NOTE: What follows is an intellectual exercise, designed to stimulate the thinking of my fellow freedom-loving citizens. Anyone wishing to participate may e-mail Whether incorporated into the final document or not, all submissions will remain anonymous. For lovers of government, the elections of November 2012 were a triumph; […]
THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January 2013 The recent massacre in Newtown, Connecticut was horrific to say the least. By all accounts, the unarmed staff members, administrators and teachers acted with great courage while trying in vain to stop the carnage. The killing did not stop until the police arrived […]