VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: We Miss the Old Patrick Blanchette

March, 2007  When Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette first took office, he was honestly interested in making a positive difference in the city. He asked fair questions, exposed wasteful spending, looked at each issue objectively, advocated for better relations with both the mayor’s office and the public, and fought for his constituents regardless of […]

Perry Registers Car in New Hampshire

Perry Registers Car in New Hampshire

By: Tom Duggan – March, 2007 North Andover School Committee Chairman Al Perry has been seen driving around town in a new 2007 Cadillac Escalade with New Hampshire license plates. This week he admitted that he registered his new car in the state of New Hampshire, explaining that, “after March, I plan to spend much […]

Audit Shows North Andover School Committee Incompetence

PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN   By Tom Duggan, February, 2007 Maybe the North Andover School Committee really isn’t incompetent. Perhaps it is completely capable of running the schools efficiently and just refuses to do so. Whatever the case, an education audit released last month on the condition of the North Andover school system showed that […]

Hero in Our Midst – Corporal James M. Cassidy, U.S. Army – WW II

Valley Patriot of the Month By: Ted Tripp – February, 2007 NORTH ANDOVER– On the morning of June 6, 1944, the Allies finally began the liberation of Europe from the Nazi nightmare. Tens of thousands of American, British, and Canadian troops poured onto the shores of Normandy to engage the Germans and drive them out […]

Latinos Peddling Racism Further Divides Our City

  By: Atty. Robert O’Koniewski – February, 2007 Recently a local Latino publication bemoaned in inflammatory racist terms the development of the Wood Mill by Robert Ansin. The writer speculated that the development would lead to an influx of 500-600 white residents into Lawrence. The writer was rather upset that this anticipated white migration into […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: Lawrence Cabbie is no Criminal

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL February – 2007  Here we go again in Lawrence where the victim is arrested and treated like the criminal, instead of focusing on the real criminals.  Last year, hero Marine Dan Cotnoir was arrested and charged with attempted murder for defending himself and his family when kids outside his apartment on Broadway […]

Methuen’s Police Chief Joe Solomon Speaks Out

Methuen’s Police Chief Joe Solomon Speaks Out

Defends Grant Spending, Says Eagle~Tribune Attacks on Him and Dept. Motivated by “Racism Against Arab-Americans”      By: Tom Duggan – February, 2007 Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon said in an exclusive interview with The Valley Patriot this week that federal grant money from the Department of Justice for thecity’s Weed & Seed program was spent legally […]

While Blanchette Attacks City Worker for Office Renovations His Own Office Gets $16K Makeover

While Blanchette Attacks City Worker for Office Renovations His Own Office Gets $16K Makeover

        By: Tom Duggan – January, 2007 While other communities are making cuts in their budgets and forcing some layoffs, Lawrence continues to spend on unnecessary items. Recently, DPW spent its time, resources and money to remodel and make improvements to the City Council chambers and the City Council office floors at […]

Hero in Our Midst – Lieutenant Colonel Muriel Katschker, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve

Valley Patriot of the Month   By: Ted Tripp – January, 2007 NORTH ANDOVER – Muriel Katschker remembers well where she was on December 7, 1941. She was with her parents listening to the radio when the regular programming was interrupted by an announcer’s voice saying the Japanese had just attacked and bombed Pearl Harbor. […]

Lawrence Council President Blanchette Called “Dangerous”

Lawrence Council President Blanchette Called “Dangerous”

  By: Tom Duggan – January 2007  Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette has been on a mission for the last few months. His mission: create a firestorm around Budget and Finance Director John Griffin so that he either quits or gets fired, create a firestorm around Caroline Ganley (who has left) and Planning Director […]