EYE ON DRACUT: Monumental Loser Phil Thibault Unaffected in Dracut

EYE ON DRACUT: Monumental Loser Phil Thibault Unaffected in Dracut

By: Brian Genest – 6-24 How can Dracut miss Phil Thibault if he won’t go away? The town’s most rejected perennial candidate—a nine-time failure at the ballot box—Phil Thibault has a new hobby: Applying for appointments on town boards and reapplying when he’s rejected. When there’s an opening on any board these days, Phil Thibault […]

State Committee Retires Republican Relic Ron Kaufman ~ EYE ON DRACUT

State Committee Retires Republican Relic Ron Kaufman ~ EYE ON DRACUT

By: Brian Genest – 4-24 So long, Ron Kaufman! After decades and decades and decades and another half decade, Massachusetts finally has a new Republican National Committeeman, thankfully. But let’s not be insensitive, after all, Ron Kaufman was retired due to health reasons: The members of the State Committee got sick of him. And it […]

EYE ON DRACUT: Josh Taylor Fails Truth Test in Dracut

EYE ON DRACUT: Josh Taylor Fails Truth Test in Dracut

By: Brian Genest – 03/24 Dracut voters, beware. Josh Taylor, a bitter and angry second-time candidate for Selectman, is spreading lies about the town’s financial situation—and officials are calling him out. Here’s some irony that can’t be overlooked and shouldn’t be forgotten at the ballot box: As The Valley Patriot celebrates two decades of vigorously […]

Phil Thibault Ignores Ethical Conflicts in Dracut

Phil Thibault Ignores Ethical Conflicts in Dracut

By: Brian Genest – Jan.  24 How can Dracut miss Phil Thibault if he won’t go away? Thibault, the town’s most rejected perennial candidate—a nine-time failure at the ballot box—has found a new way to add to his credentials as Dracut’s most monumental loser: Getting passed over for a variety of appointed positions on town […]

Phil Thibault Hasn’t Learned Lesson in Dracut ~ EYE ON DRACUT

Phil Thibault Hasn’t Learned Lesson in Dracut ~ EYE ON DRACUT

By: Brian Genest 9-23 If you think Dracut’s most rejected perennial candidate—nine-time loser Phil Thibault—couldn’t be any more bitter than he already is about being the town’s monumental loser, think again. This time, Dracut’s self-proclaimed perpetual victim Phil Thibault and his fruit loop friends are lamenting because he wasn’t appointed to a town board, again. […]

Who’s Stalling Public Records Release in Dracut? ~ EYE ON DRACUT!

Who’s Stalling Public Records Release in Dracut? ~ EYE ON DRACUT!

By Brian Genest Valley Patriot DRACUT COLUMNIST The clock is ticking and the legal bills are piling up at Dracut Town Hall over a request for public records about Tony Archinski. In addition to already being a far-too-expensive and far-too-lengthy process, it’s also incredibly suspicious, based on the circumstances. If justice delayed is justice denied, […]

Zoning, Development & Maintaining Dracut’s Rural Character ~ EYE ON DRACUT

Zoning, Development & Maintaining  Dracut’s Rural Character ~ EYE ON DRACUT

By: Brian Genest (5-23) There’s a lot of developments when it comes to development in Dracut. A bit of a building boom is about to begin and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by the town or citizens. Officials and neighbors are trying to grapple with several development-related issues and concerns, including zoning bylaw changes, affordable housing, […]

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