Twitter Madness

Twitter Madness

  By Ken Willette, Jr. Recently, I had the humble experience of being banned by Twitter for 12 hours because of an idea I offered regarding the Ukraine invasion. I was shocked and immediately appealed, where I thought the appeal process would reverse the unjustified ban. I was mistaken and the 12-hour time-out proceeded forward. […]

Clean-Up on Aisle Brandon

Clean-Up on Aisle Brandon

By: Ken Willette – March, 2022 President Biden has created a quagmire of such nightmarish proportions that as a dedicated and educated student of history and politics for decades, I personally don’t know the ultimate outcome of his unprecedented weakness on the world stage. But anyone who witnessed the follies of Brandon over his 50 […]

Radical Left in Full Retreat

Radical Left in Full Retreat

By: Ken Willette – Feb. 2022 What a 180 degree turn our nation has taken since President Biden was sworn into office and promised the most sweeping liberal agenda since the days of FDR. Republicans were still reeling from the unwarranted guilt by association of the January 6th incursion at the Capitol. As if 75 […]

Make America Sane Again

Make America Sane Again

By: Ken Willette Election Night– 2016. For most political pundits and most polls, there is a very high expectation that Hillary Clinton will be elected as the first female president. Clinton was going to give her anticipated victory speech in an enclosed glass structure, thereby symbolizing a woman finally breaking through the glass ceiling of […]

Like A Predator, Putin Pounced While Obama Slept

Like A Predator, Putin Pounced While Obama Slept

By: Ken Willette – Feb. 2019 The Left’s unsubstantiated theories on Trump’s cozy relationship with Mother Russia have reached a boiling point. It is as if they haven’t fully recovered from the deep psychological wounds of the 2016 campaign, or the fact that Trump is still their president despite their late-night rants on social media. […]

#Triggered By Everything

#Triggered By Everything

By: Ken Willette – January, 2019 I think following some trolls on social media can be hazardous to your mental health. There, I said it, are you triggered now? Instead of focusing on the major problems in our society, many of these so-called social justice warriors are concentrating their energies on the proverbial trees rather […]

This is No Time to be on the Sidelines in Methuen’s Fall Elections

This is No Time to be on the Sidelines in Methuen’s Fall Elections

By: Ken Willette, Jr. – Oct. 24. 2015 Local media outlets may soon publish articles highlighting the projections of election officials regarding a sub-par turnout from Methuen voters. While some races will go uncontested, this is definitely not the occasion to avoid casting a ballot and remaining silent over your concerns about the course of […]

Supporting Sanctuary Status in Lawrence Only Creates a More Insecure Community

Supporting Sanctuary Status in Lawrence Only Creates a More Insecure Community

In reaction to the misinformed and ill-conceived vote recently taken by the Lawrence City Council to create a so-called sanctuary community, I wanted to express my major disappointment as it sends a dangerous message that criminals will be provided a safe haven for their illegal and nefarious activities. In many concrete ways, these same officials […]

“Remembering the Lessons of History as We Honor America’s Veterans”

By: Kenneth Willette – November, 2014 I have always deeply valued the honorable service and sacrifices rendered by veterans throughout our beloved nation. These veterans came from vastly different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, economic classes and neighborhoods. However, they always collectively shared the common purpose of duty, honor, and love of our nation. Their remarkable journeys […]

President Obama’s Dreadful Legacy: A Record of Calculated Partisanship and Missed Opportunities

President Obama’s Dreadful Legacy: A Record of  Calculated Partisanship and Missed Opportunities

By: Kenneth Willette – December, 2013 As we reach the conclusion of President Obama’s fifth year in office, it is only fair at this critical juncture to assess the full extent of his domestic and foreign affairs record. The Obama record is one of repeated examples of cold and deliberate partisanship and missed opportunities for […]

The Journey Continues

By Kenneth Willette – November, 2013 This is the mission statement of the Common Core Standards (CCS) that has been adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Education. “The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to […]